Hey - wasn't it you that posted recently for ideas to help your DS1 starting out learning to read? I was just curious if you came across anything good that your DS is loving? My DS was in a phase of sounding things out and talking about what letter words start with, but he seems to be kinda done with it now. I don't want to push at all or irritate him, but I was wondering if there might be some different approaches that could still encourage the learning without going back to those same 2 ideas that he seems bored with now (not that he mastered them, but he had an interest and now isn't interested when asked those questions).
Re: Yodajo
Yes, that was me.
No, I haven't really come across anything else. We played on starfall for a while and he liked that. Cubby's site is great, but I haven't tried anything. I think I am going to get his Tag out some more and play with that, plus I have an old Leap pad that I may get out. We talk a lot in the car about sounding out words, but he gets bored quickly.
Like you, I don't want to push him or make it work or boring, so I am just trying to let him lead.
I was thinking about getting some cards out and working on sight words since he may like that if its a game, but who knows? He loves Memory, so mabe if I made up a game like that where he matched the word with the picture? I'm struggling too!