Two Under 2

Tell the boss today.......

Having a baby is such a joy....but I am so nervous to tell my boss that I am expecting number 2, I have been here a little over a month.  I literally found out I was pregnant the day after I got the job offer.  I work for a University and the baby will be due Dec26 which is just a week or so before WInter Term starts which is the 2nd busiest semester for our department.  OK but after I tell her I will feel better and that will be that, right........

Re: Tell the boss today.......

  • Just tell her.  It will be better to let her know as early as possible so that she can get someone else scheduled for winter term. 

    She really can't say too much to your face.  If she does, then she looks like the jack-ass, not you. 


  • Just tell her.  I also work for a university and the support has been amazing.  I had only been at my job for 4 months. 

    It helps that we have great benefits (that kick in at 6 months) but the sooner she knew, the sooner we could plan things accordingly.

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