Hi Ladies,
I am new to the multiples world. I found out this week that I am expecting twins. I kind of had a feeling since twins run in the family and I am 35. This pregnancy thus far has been a lot more challenging then my first two singleton pregnancies but that's another story.
My question if for mom's who have 3 or more children. I have a 3 year old and an almost 2 year old. Is there any advice that you have for me once these babies arrive? What tricks have you learned to make life easier. Any advice to help my older two with the adjustment. How did you stay sane?
Re: Mom's or Mom's to be of Twins with Older Children
welcome and congrats!
Griffin was 2y2mo when the twins were born. There really isn't much specific to having twins that is different than having one baby with an older sibling- and you have already gone through that.
Just make sure the other kids get tons of attention... try to keep their routine the same (we kept Griffin in daycare during my maternity leave - that helped a LOT... if your kids are not in daycare/preschool, perhaps you can get them into a program a couple days a week?... and I'd start while pg so it's not a big change when the babies are born)
and when you are out and about people will come up and talk about the twins all the time- just make sure you mention "and here is big brother/sister!", etc... most people do it- but some don't- so i make sure to say it myself.
Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)
I'm sorry I can't give you any advice, other than I am pretty scared myself. I am 34 and pregnant with twin boys (19 weeks) and have a 16 month old boy. I am looking into a mom's morning out program this fall for my oldest- but then am concerned about sending him since he could pick something up--bring it home to them...etc etc etc.
I guess I am just going to try to stick to my routine with him as much as possible. Where we live we don't have any family either- so not sure how we'll swing it. Somehow, we will manage though. I hope.