Birth Stories

12 hour surprise induction! (LONG - pip)

A little background - LO had been measuring small since day one, so the doctors had been keeping a close eye on her the whole time. Going in for NST?s twice a week, BPP?s once a week, and growth u/s?s once every 2 weeks. It wasn?t much of a surprise that she was small because I?m a small and petite person, I was a 5lb baby and so was my boyfriend.  -- Also, my parents had went on vacation with their best friends (stan & carla.. basically another set of parents to me) and were planning on coming back sometime sunday morning?My mom is nothing short of my best friend, and I wanted her there through everything if at all possible.

Friday June 4th I had went in for my growth u/s, BPP, and NST. All was fine except that she failed her BPP. Doc ordered me to come in again the next day and have another done to make sure she wasn?t in distress or anything. I went on about my day as normal after that, I had asked my best friend Miranda (and LO?s future godmother) if she wanted to tag along with me to my BPP the next day since she hadn?t ever been to one and I hate going alone?

    on Saturday June 5th my appointment was set for 12:30 and I had tons of stuff to do earlier that morning and a baby shower to go to afterwards? I went and picked up my mom and dad?s dogs from the puppy hotel so they could be home when they got home (the place is closed sundays so they would have had to have waited til monday to get them) took them to the house real quick, went and picked up my best friend and headed to the hospital (about a half hour away). Since I hadn?t eaten any breakfast and certainly wasn?t getting any lunch until the baby shower afterwards, I snatched some chocolate chip cookies and a bag of cheez-its to eat on the way there?
        We saw her on the big screen, moving around and being active as all getout. The tech said she did great, for me to wipe up and she?d be back with my report. She came back in and went, ?hang on, lay back down?? She squirted me back up and looked at something else, I didn?t know what, but it only took a minute. After that, she went back behind her curtain, to come back and tell me to go upstairs (to L&D). I was confused because I had my NST done the day before and was told I didn?t need to do another one? The tech goes, ?Well, I was told by Short (one of my doctors) twice that you need to go upstairs.? I didn?t object and up we went. We walk into L&D up to the nurses station, and there sits my doctor? She says hi, and tells the nurses to get me gowned up. I looked at Miranda and she looked at me, and I was like, ?huh? what?s going on?? Short says, ?Go gown up, I?m admitting you, I?ll be in to explain in a minute?? So at the point, is when I started FREAKING OUT. >.<

            So around 2pm I was getting into my gown on as the nurses were setting my bed up, then sat in the bed for a few minutes before Short came in to tell me exactly what was going on. She told me, ?Alright, I?m going to be inducing you because she fell from the 14th percentile to the 3rd in weight gain, and I know and believe she?ll be better on the outside than staying inside any longer.? (which means, her oxygen supply is too low as well) She checked me to see that I was still at 3cm and 80%. Then she goes, ?I?ll be starting you on the pitocin here in a minute, and then I?ll be back in in about 2 hours to check you again and break your water.? Got my IV in & pitocin started, then it was my admitting questions and such, only to have it be a waiting game?. which btw, once that was all started, I was on a liquid diet.. so the only thing in my stomach are those damn cookies and cheez-its! And I?m sitting there watching Johnny & Miranda enjoy yummy mcdonalds?? booooooo

Miranda and I got on the horn and started calling everyone who needed to be informed of what was going on. My mom didn?t want to believe me at first and actually told me, ?can you ask doctor short to hold off for a few hours if possible?? -- yeah mom, I?m gonna ask my doctor to hold off inducing me because you?re 12 hours away! lol. needless to say when I DID ask her she laughed.. which I figured. hahaha.. There really was some divine intervention though, and you?ll see what I mean as I explain the rest of the night. We sat around and watched some TV, contractions were definitely not bad at all?-- She wound up not breaking my water til around 630 because of a delivery in the room next to mine. (thank goodness!!) I was still at only 4cm now? Johnny had gotten there and left again because he had forgotten some key things! haha..
    Once I started feeling the contractions with having my bag broken, it was a whole intense new pain that I thought couldn?t get worse! Boy was I wrong? They were quite a ways apart at first.. getting closer as the night drew on and more and more painful! I was getting pain meds via my IV since she broke my water, but with only an hour of having my water broken and ?REAL? contractions setting in, I asked for my epidural around 730. While the anesthesiologist was getting me all ready he was asking about my blood work. Nobody knew anything about it. Turns out they were supposed to have taken my blood when I was admitted and never did! WTF?! Yes, so while I?m getting my epidural, I?ve got another biotch poking at my arm taking my blood!! Crazy psychos! And by the way, I was SO scared about my epi, and the only thing about it was the surprise when he pricks you with the local anesthetic. I never felt anything else after that. I thought for sure Johnny would have passed out, but he was a trooper! Held my hand, looked me in the eyes, and even checked out what was going on and was okay! J

    Johnnys mom & grandma made their way to the hospital and hung out with us around 8ish, at which I had shot up to about 6cm. When the news came on around 9, we were under tornado watches! Completely insane! The weather had went from beautiful to crappy real fast. Not only was I concerned about anything happening while I was in labor, but MY PARENTS! They had made it to the ohio/indiana boarder and were pretty much flooring it! They actually hit and went through some of the storm that went through Ohio and killed all those people.. L As we?re keeping in touch with my parents and such every hour giving them updates and them updating us on where they are, it?s getting more and more real! To get to where we were, from the boarder, would take at least 2 hours.
    By around 11ish, the contractions were just SOOO unbearable (yes, even WITH my epidural)? Doc checked and I was a good 7-8cm already! The only problem was, my cervix just wasn?t thinning out for some reason? At that point, it was alright. then at about 1130 doc checked again and said I was 10 but still not thinned out. She wanted me to try pushing and see where it got me, if anywhere. I did a good contractions worth of pushing, and she started making her way down. So doc said since it was still a little early and we had some time to spare, I could hold off pushing in order to wait for my mom to have time to get there. Of course, I decided to wait! She goes, ?but if you do feel the NEED to push, don?t hold back, press your button or have someone come get us..? Since I decided to wait, everybody went their separate ways for smoke breaks and such. (INCLUDING JOHNNY) And only about 15 minutes into this whole ?waiting? thing I thought I was going to be doing, nature had other plans. I felt intense pressure and could NOT hold it any longer.. Miranda went out in the hall and grabbed the doctor and nurses and on we went!

    I started pushing around 1210ish(am) there abouts.. push after push just sent me more and more into exhaustion!! I was actually falling asleep between contractions, kid you not. but once one came boy, watch out! I was actually very pleased with myself though, I was loud and making quite the noises, but I wasn?t SCREAMING until the very end.. an hour or so of pushing had gone by, and I hear the voice coming down the hallway that I?ve been longing to hear all day? MY MOMS! I hear her ?I?M HERE HONEY I?M COMING!! I?M COMING! I?M HERE!!? and she comes rushing into the room and to my side only to give me the biggest hug and kiss we?ve ever given each other in my life? So with my mom coming in, my dad, stan, and carla tagged in the room right along with her! But now that my mom was there, it?s as if it all just fell into place. I didn?t care who was there, and/or who was looking where? - I wound up needing doc to use the vacuum because I just kept rocking her back and forth for a while and really wasn?t making any headway.. so I pushed for a good 20 more minutes, and out she came!!!

Layla Grace Y. at 1:44am on june 6th. 4lbs 15oz. 18.25inches long.

I never knew (nobody ever does til they experience it themselves) what it would be like to hold her for the first time.. but once I did, it was unlike anything ever in my entire life..
I had never been so in love with anything or anybody? she was so beautiful..
They laid her on my chest and did all of her testing right there in front of me.
It?s as if God had it all planned out.. I?m so thankful that my mom made it. I really don?t know what I would have done had she not been able to be there.

Layla passed everything with flying colors and I needed a few stitches, so we sat there and enjoyed being a family for the very first time?

Thank goodness I had Miranda there to man the camera! Here?s some pictures of the best night of my life?..



helping me through the contractions..



I wasn't lying when I said I was falling asleep!!! lol





that 'moment'



everybody's favorite. :)




and to top it off....

our first family photo.....



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