New to The Bump

Question. . .

Not to be dumb because I am pretty new to all this myself, why do people get so angry when a post gets deleted? And angry is an understatment in the "trying to get pregnant" board.  Can anyone explain this to me??

Re: Question. . .

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    Because someone is often deleting because they didn't like what they heard, or get upset when they hear other views on a public message board. 

    If you post something with sensitive information, and warn people that you'll likely delete later for that reason, they have no problem with it. If you delete because you did a duplicate post or got the answer somewhere else, etc., and you let people know you deleted for that reason, they usually give you a pass.

    But to post something, get huffy because you don't like the answers, and delete, that's called Dirty Deleting (DD). And it's frowned upon big time. If you're going to post, you need to suck it up and deal with the answers you get.

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    Ok I get it. Thanks

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