So I go in for a CD 1 us today (everything is fine I am good to start my gonal-f on Sat). But they tried to get me to go with a mail order pharmacy... which is really screwed up because they know I have prescription coverage and I told them my co-pay is the same no matter what. They STILL insisted mail order is my cheaper option. It's not by the way. I have $20 copays for brand name drugs regardless of where I go. I mean I understand if someone is OOP and can get a better deal via mail or if their insurance forces them to go mail order (which honestly most of them wouldn't for that type of drug). I was SO annoyed that they kept pushing it on me. I work in a freaking retail pharmacy and I want them to get all my business.
Not to mention all of the problems I have heard people having with not getting their meds on time (both here on the board and customers of ours). If I couldn't start my meds this cycle I would have flipped! Also when I called this morning they said I could come in today, thurs or fri for my u/s. If I would have come fri I would have been screwed for starting the shots on time.
I just HATE how idiotic offices can be sometime about prescriptions... even though I'm sitting there telling them this is what my insurance is going to cover because I did my freaking homework.
So, moral of the story... either find out from your rx insurance carrier or just have them send the script to your pharmacy so they can at least try to bill it if you don't want to mess with mail order. Your doctor's office probably knows very little about your rx coverage. Even most insurances that force mail order allow you to fill it at a retail pharmacy for like 3 fills (after that it's considered a maintenance med).
Ok sorry for that, just had to get it out!
Re: Slight rant about doctors office...