
*~*~*~* DE / GC check-in *~*~*~*

This group is open to anyone who has already gone through de/surrogacy, are in the process of it, or plan on doing it in the future.  GRADUATES ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO POST!  If you?d like to be added to this group, please reply to this message and I?ll make sure to add you for next week.  I?ll be posting this check-in every Tuesday. 


***** If you are a donor or interested in donating, we would be happy to answer questions.  Please start a new post with ?Question for the DE ladies? as the title ******


Status Update:  Where are you currently with the de/surrogacy process? 


QOTD:     So there is a new cupcake ?bar? opening less than one mile from my house.  The sign says ?opening this spring??well the latest update is they are within a ?few weeks? of opening.  Needless to say the delay is causing a serious cupcake craving.  Is it pure evil on their part or a genius marketing plan? Discuss?   (and if anyone wants to submit questions, let me know)



If anyone is in need of 2 vivelle patches, PM juliannat who has a couple left over.  I sent her some of my extra vivelle so she wants to ?pay it forward? to another DE / GC check-in lady.  Hopefully the luck will be passed along with them!


ANNOUNCEMENT: BathinginBitter has started a PRIVATE Facebook (meaning no one can see it in your feed, that your are a member, etc.) for the ladies from IF and SAIF who used donor egg/embryos or donor sperm.  If you would like to join, please page Bathing in Bitter, Yellow_Daisy, Roselln2 or SVP1537 and ask for an invite to the group.  This might be a nice way to keep in touch in a more private setting and address issues that may arise down the road.



Congratulations to MontyMrs (OE) on seeing two heartbeats!! 


Good luck to hollymichael (OE) who is triggering tonight on her birthday.  Happy Birthday ? hope you have a great ER on Thursday and an even better fert report!


Hugs to M&MBride0506 who suffered another delay.  Hopefully October will be your month!! 


GymDogFran ? hope your OB was able to provide you some migraine relief!


MarriedaSportsNut ? still thinking of you and hope you and your DH are slowly healing.


Welcome to our newest members LAMoonie who will be using her sister as her egg donor and CharBart who will be using an in-house clinic donor.


Welcome to the lurkers!!  We hope you don?t have to join but will welcome you with open arms if you do.  Let us know if we can answer any questions.



In 2ww


In Cycle

Hollymichael (OE)? trigger 6/15, ER on 6/17

svp1537 ?cancelled since Lupron did not suppress, back on bcps, should start ganirelix on 6/19 and donor will start lupron on 6/23.  Hopefully ER will be around July 4th!!


Waiting to Cycle

2linesn09 ? BFP w/gc but ended in miscarriage

BathinginBitter ? DE consult on 4/29/10, waiting on donor match

CharBart ? waiting to be matched with a donor

Denise ? pursuing DE

JM1977 ? found donor, tentative ER will be at end of July

LaMoonie ? using her sister as egg donor after 3 failed IVFs and 1 FET

LBR_NJ ? possibly doing FET for baby #2 in September

M&MBride0506 ? hoping to use her sister and an egg donor and gestational carrier in September

Mrsbellalee ? FET BFN on 10/26/09, 4/10/10 cycle ? BFN, one frostie left, hoping to test NK cells before cycling again

Njohnson1972 ? having WTF for failed IVF cycle and then moving on to DE

Onedaychristinak ? POF, FET cancelled due to lining issues

Only Hope ? DE consult on 11/30/09

SunMoon&Stars ? BFN on July 2009 cycle, waiting to cycle using frozen eggs, DH uro appt 6/2/10


Looking into options

Hoodlum90 ? considering DE after 3 failed IVFs, possibly using sister?s eggs

Hoping4more ? hoping to have sister provide eggs and be a carrier for her

ked1068 ? pursuing adoption!!!

MarriedaSportsNut ? BFP on first DE cycle but lost baby due to rare defect (Acrania), hysteroscopy in June and hoping to cycle again soon after

Mel0569 ? participated in Egg Freezing program ? BFN, hoping to cycle again in the Spring

Mgoodr1 ? hoping to use friend as a surrogate due to health issues

Oct14 ? DE IVF #1 = cp, DE FET = BFN, looking into a consult with CCRM

Pseudonim ? looking into being a surrogate for her SIL and BIL

RFBsbride ? BFN on 1st attempt, BFN on FET, might be moving on with donor embryos

Scatterbrainliz ? moving onto adoption instead (Korea)





Arb212 ? BFP on 1st attempt (boy/girl twins)!!!! Babies born on 2/9/10!

Ashley ? BFP w/gestational carrier ? baby girl. 2nd Trimester!

AXLbaby ? BFP on 1st attempt (baby girl)!!! Due on 12/10/09.

Cat2 ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor (singleton)!

BRSAugust20 ? BFP (singleton) due 8/2/10, 3rd trimester

Dansbride06 ? BFP (baby boy)!!!  Tanner is here!

Epphd ? BFP (baby boy)!!!  Nubbin is here!!!

Floridakat (own eggs) ? twin girls!  2nd trimester

Futuremom2b ? BFP (twin girls)!!!  Born on 11/27/09!!!!

GymDogFran ? (frozen egg program), twins! 2nd trimester

HopeCounts ? BFP on FET (singleton)!! 2nd trimester

Jenn-N-Jay ? BFP (singleton)!! 1st trimester

Jhleap ? (frozen egg program), first ultrasound on 5/25/10!! 1st Trimester

jmn69 ? cancelled FET cycle, may try again in spring, already has twins from DE!

Juliannat ? BFP ? twins due near Xmas 2010???, 1st trimester, next ultrasound on 6/8/10

KoCoLoCo ? BFP w/gestational carrier (1st attempt) ?boy/girl twins born August 2009!!!

LBR_NJ ? BFP (girl)!!! Alana arrived on 12/9/09.

MontyMrs (OE) ? 4th IVF = BFP!!! 1st Beta on 5/28, next one on 6/4/10 (showed 2 sacs)

pst8 ? BFP using her sister as a gestational carrier - Due in February

RachelD83 ? BFP on 2nd FET (single embryo transfer)!!  1st trimester

Vet-Tech ? BFP with donor embryos 2nd trimester



Haven?t heard from you in a while ? we miss you!

2linesplease ? looking into DE options, will be moving ahead in a few months

BBLindy ? looking into DE options

Davesmisha ? hoping to do an FET with donor embryos in October

Justsayjo ? considering DE with a known donor, may be switching clinics

Militarywife2b ? consult on 12/22/09, possibly needs de and ds (DH to repeat SA)

Njgreneyz ? Has had 4 failed iui?s and 3 failed ivfs; looking into GC options (w/own eggs)

Simplelove03 ? on hold with DE  

Teacherholly ? in 2ww, beta on 8/18


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Re: *~*~*~* DE / GC check-in *~*~*~*

  • QOTD:  I say pure evil.  I have been pretty good at watching what I've been eating and have been drooling over the thought of a cupcake or two guilt free over the next few weeks...torture I tell you!!!  Stick out tongue

    Update:  We attended our birthing class and hospital tour over the weekend, breastfeeding class is tomorrow night.  I now have a crib and glider in the house (which is a lot for me since I tend to be superstitious about having baby items in the house before a baby).  I think I can actually picture a baby in my house soon!!

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  • Cupcake stores are all the rage lately.  There is one not too far from my home - they are pretty good.  It is called Crave. Great name!

    Update on me: had WTF yesterday.  I really thought the RE was going to push us towards DE.  But we are considering one more cycle with OE.  I think actually getting a BFP this past cycle has made it tougher for me to move to DE.  But we did spend about 30 minutes lookings at donors in their book and I am definitely becoming more comfortable about the idea.  Even found one girl that fits what I am looking for physically. They don't put stats about previous cycles in the book, so I don't know if she is a proven donor.  Part of me would like to move on to DE since I know my chances of success would be statistically higher.  My RE is going to look into DHEA and EPP together and get back with me with a recommendation for another cycle with OE.

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  • QOTD: We have quite a few cupcake stores around here and I'm always surprised that they aren't that good. Sometimes they're really dry, and other times the frosting tastes like Crisco. They are all a distant second to the ones I make from scratch.

    Update on me: Had my MFM WTF yesterday, the 2-week follow-up from my D&E. Found out I'm negative for MTHFR, and my homoscystine (sp?) is normal. So we can rule that out as a cause for NTDs. Also found out that preliminary genetic tests (examination of the baby's hands) indicates that the baby was genetically normal. I'll find out for sure on Thursday. Oh, and my hcg is still too high (in the 150s) so I had to take some pills last night to cause my lining to shed yet again, yet nothing happened. If the number isn't down in a week, I have to have another D&E.

    Good god, do I sound like Debbie Downer or what? 

    Forty-something TTC since 12/2007 3 failed IVFs DE cycle #1: BFP then D&E at 12 weeks due to neural tube defect DE cycle #2: Chemical FET #1: BFN Lining issues, pursuing adoption
  • Update: Yes, as BRS mentioned trigger this evening and ER on Thurs. Looks like I have 5-6 mature follicles so we will see what happens.  Wouldn't it be nice if this actually worked?!

    QOTW: Cupcake stores aren't so tempting for me. It is the doughnut stores I can't stay away from, and they are all over the place!

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  • QOTD: Since you are tempted, I think it is pure evil ;) I don't really get cravings for things, although, I am addicted to 7-11 coffee/cappachino. I will often skip eating lunch and just get one of those in the late afternoon... which is what I am contemplating right about now!

    Update: Ugh, I am depressed about this donor cycle cancellation, still!!! I need to get over it, but I cannot help myself! Retrieval should have been around today/tomorrow... I am so scared I am not going to be supressed with the ganirelix this time. Just trying to hang in there!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • jmn69jmn69 member

    Cake and cupcakes are my favorite food in the whole world.  I'm jealous that you're getting a cupcake store so close.  Although, it's probably a good thing I don't have one too close to me or I'd for sure never lose any weight!

    Could you update my info to remove the part about trying an FET again?  At this point we're pretty sure we're never going to do it.  Thanks.

  • QOTD:  Evil!  We have a couple new cupcake stores here.  My only complaint is that the cupcakes are too small!

    Update:  Thank you for the well wishes.  Unfortunately, I was out of work again yesterday with a migraine.  The doctor has given me pain meds and says that's all he can do.  I used to have meds I could take that would cut them off as soon as they began, but that medicine is a no-no while pregnant.  Otherwise, we are just cruising along.  Monday we have a perinatal appointment and I'm hoping we might get a guesstimate on gender!

    Best wishes to everyone!

  • I can't decide if I should be jealous of all of you with cupcake stores or be glad I don't have one. Yummmm....a cupcake sure does sound good right now.

    Nothing new to report here, just wanted to wish the best to all of those in the process!

  • JM1977JM1977 member

    Congratulations to MontyMrs and good luck to hollymichael! 

    ((Hugs)) to M&MBride0506, svp1537, njohnson1972, and MarriedaSportsNut. 

    GymDogFran - hope you get some relief from your migraines! 

    Update: Our donor got her period, so everything is coming into place.  I just got our tentative calendar today.  I will start Lupron, baby aspirin, and doxycycline on June 26th and then estrogen on July 3rd.  Our donor will start stims on July 8th, and our tentative ER is July 20th.  It's starting to seem real - slightly overwhelming but exciting!

    QOTD: LOVE cupcakes!  My favorite are almond flavored cake with white frosting.

    TTC with DOR, low morphology, fertilization issues
    IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
    IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
    DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
    DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
    TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats Monty! That is awesome news!

    Good Luck on Thursday Holly!!  I will be thinking of you!!  Happy Birthday!

    Update:  We received about 10 profiles in the mail today so now we just have to pick 3!  Very excited about moving forward with this!

    QOTD:  I would gain about 50 lbs if I had a cupcake bar near me!  That just sounds wonderful!  I think they are definitley playing the waiting game to create a buzz!!

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  • DH and I are going to try one more IVF (our 4th)  before we move on to donor egg.  The RE was what I would call "realistically optimistic".  He is changing protocols and trying something new.  Also we are trying to do this while my DH is home on his two week midtour break from his deployment in Afghanistan, so it should be interesting trying to make the timing work out!  If this doesn't work, we plan to move on to DE when my DH comes home at the end of the deployment.

    Cupcakes are pure evil and pure genius!  And now I have a crave--guess I'll have to bake tomorrow.

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