Pre-School and Daycare

help!!!! signing up for pre-school

my daughter just turned 4 yesterday and will be going to pre-school in the fall. i have called a few but good grief!!!!! i cannot afford $125 a month for it!!!! does anyone have any ideas for other options or anything??????

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Re: help!!!! signing up for pre-school

  • Does the public schools offer any pre-k? Have you thought about homeschooling pre-k? There are curriculums out there for pre-k.

    But honestly, $125 a month is pretty cheap (at least around me). Its usually $150-$200 a week around here.

  • How many hours per week is this for?   At any rate, it sounds like a steal. 

    I hope you can make it work.  It's really worth it. 

    I have no idea what things are like in your area, but there's a slim chance there might be free programs if you look?  I know there are government subsidies here for people who really can't afford such things.

    But I'd probably shuffle my budget around and find the $125.  



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  • $125 seems like a really good price.  Hunter and Lily will go Thursday and Friday from 9-12 and it is $200 per month each.  It is a lot of money especially since I stay at home but they learn so much.  Lily loved going last year and Hunter is so excited to start.
  • Sorry but $125 a month is nothing even if that is for part time.  My DD will be in FT pre-K starting this fall and it will be $904 a month.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Ditto the others.  Where I live (Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC) my son's 5 day a week, 1/2 day preschool was $300/month, and we attend one of the most affordable preschools in the area!

    I think what you do in this case depends on your reason for putting her in preschool.

    If you are just looking for her to get some socialization while you get a break for a few hours, maybe try a MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) group, which is a co-op type thing where moms meet and a few of them watch the kids while the rest get a break.  It's usually free or costs a small donation each meeting.

    If you really want her to have the socialization and structure of a classroom setting before she starts kindergarten in another year, look into pre-K through your public schools, or look for classes offered by the public library or something like that.  True, they will probably be weekly or bi-weekly instead of daily, but it will take care of some of the skills you'd like to see her gain prior to kindergarten.

    Honestly, if you can't afford preschool and there's no other alternative for you, she'll be fine in kindergarten.  The teachers have to deal with kids from a variety of backgrounds and experiences -- she'll make the adjustment just fine.

    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
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