
An ungrateful vent

My mom just bought a house and moved 15 minutes further west back into the community I grew up in. So now I essentially spend 2 hours in the car to drop A off / got to work and then pick her up to go home. I keep reminding myselt I shouldn't complain b/c it's free childcare but the drive is starting to wear me down and it's costing me a fortune in gas -- I've used half a tank since Sat night. I miss my fuel efficient car. Anyway, just venting. Flame and one-star away.

Re: An ungrateful vent

  • Wow- that's a lot of road time.... Would it be possible to find a babysitter a few nights to at least save time (and maybe some gas money)? What about letting A spend the night a couple times, so that's one less trip?
  • Sounds exhausting, especially after a long day at work.  Yuck.  :(
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  • Whoa, vent away, that is alot of time in the car!!!! The pp idea of her spending one night a week sounds good, it cuts out one drop off and pick up.
    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • I'm not sure if she wants sure if she wants her to spend the night. I think I'm going to ask her to bring her to me on her way to work since her job is only like 5 or 6 min from my house or I can meet her there. That would make more sense anyway. I really just need to get over my aversions and look at finding a sitter that can just come to my house.

    Gee, glad so many actually took the time to rate this post.


  • Oh!! That would be awesome for her to bring her to you- I didn't know that would be an option. That would help, and its not out of her way.
  • Yeah, I don't know why I haven't asked already.

  • imagebelle204:

    I'm not sure if she wants sure if she wants her to spend the night. I think I'm going to ask her to bring her to me on her way to work since her job is only like 5 or 6 min from my house or I can meet her there. That would make more sense anyway. I really just need to get over my aversions and look at finding a sitter that can just come to my house.

    Gee, glad so many actually took the time to rate this post.

    That would at least save some time. 2 hours commuting is a pain any way you slice it, even if you are saving on childcare.
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