
2nd U/S update (pg mentioned)

So, we've got heartbeats. It was pretty amazing to see after so many early losses and not making it this far. Thank you ladies for all the support and I'll only be posting pregnancy related updates on PAIF but would love to hang around to give back sone of the support I've received.
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Re: 2nd U/S update (pg mentioned)

  • That's amazing news, congrats!!!
    After 20 months, 5 IUIs, PCOS, Endo and IVF, our baby is here! Full IF history in blog
    ~Life After Infertility~
  • Congratulations Monty! I am so, so thrilled for you!

    Absolutely stay around!

    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

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  • Yay!! Congratulations sweetie!!
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  • YAY!!!

    So freaking excited for my monty!!

    and you better stick around or i'll cry ;)

    Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
    Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)

    It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
    MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
  • So glad eveything looks great!

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  • JM1977JM1977 member
    Yay!!  I am SO happy for you!!
    TTC with DOR, low morphology, fertilization issues
    IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
    IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
    DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
    DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
    TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That's great, congrats!  I would love if you stuck around.

    TTC in 2008. Stage II/III endo, Hashimotos hypothyroid, low morph (3%).
    2 cycles Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/Crinone=BFN.
    IUI #1 - 4 Follistim/Ovidrel/IUI/Crinone = BFN.
    IVF #1 - Antagonist w/ ICSI 4/10. 17 retrieved, 5DT of 2, BFN :(
    IVF #2 - Long Lupron w/ ICSI 6/10. 15 retrieved, 3DT of 2, BFFN!!
    Lap 7/21/10
    IVF #3 - Clomid/Antagonist w/ ICSI 10/10. 14 retreived, 3DT of 3, BFP 10/20 but m/c. No HB 11/15/10 - D&C 11/17/10.
    FET - 2 blasts, 1 survived the thaw. Transfer 2/19. Beta #1 3/1 375, Beta #2 3/3 885, Beta #3 3/8 4261, Beta #4 3/11 9005. U/S 3/8 1 sac 1 yolk, U/S 3/16 1 heartbeat 114bpm!


    James born Oct. 24th 2011 via c-section at 38 weeks!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Surprise BFP - Jack born April 28, 2013 via VBAC after PTL at 33 1/2 weeks!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats!!  I am so so happy for you and your babies :)
  • Yay!!!  Congrats!
    TTC since 8/2004
    Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
    DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
    DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • YAY!  That's great!  Congratsx2!!!!
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  • YAAAYYYY!!!! Congrats, Monty!!!!!!!!!!!! Party!!!
    After 5 years of TTC, 3 IUIs, 5 IVFs, 2 FETs, multiple losses and an adoption that wasn
  • So happy for you sweetie! 
    TTC# 1 Since 10/2005----Diagnosed with PCOS March of 2006
    multiple failed cycles, multiple IUIs, lap with ovarian drilling 4/2008
    Finally BFP on 11/23/09 beta#1=36 beta#2 =62 beta#3=139
    Liliana was born on March 27,2010 at 21w5d due to infection and pre-term labor
    BFP #2 on 6/20/10 after Gonal-F and TI First u/s showed Twins! 
    TTC#2 since 02/2012 with out RE... 
    Back to RE 08/2016----- Cycle #1 10/2016 Femara 7.5mg=???

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • yay! That is great news! Congrats mama!
    TTC with severe MFI since 9/08 IVF w/ ICSI #1 May/June 2010= BFP twins
    Callan George and Bennett Charles born and died 11/7/10
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    FET #1 April 2011= BFN
    FET #2 July 2011= no transfer because my lining sucked
    FET #3 February 2012= BFP! 1st beta 9dp5dt=314 2nd beta 11dp5dt=977 1st U/S 3/20 Twins- Heart rates of 111 and 138 Pregnancy Ticker
    Living After Losing
  • I'm so happy for you! Congrats!! Throw some IVF #4 hopes this way... :)
    IVF - 9/09 - BFN! :( IVF #2 - ER 3/16; ET 3/18 with one embryo Beta 3/30 -- BFN! :( IVF #3 - 5/10 - BFN! IVF #4 - 11/10 - BFP. m/c at 6weeks :( FET #1 - 2/11 - BFP. beta on 2/21 :) Thank you God! :) u/s on 3/7 showed TWINS! u/s on 3/11 TWO heartbeats! Couldn't be happier :)
  • YAY!!! So happy to hear your news!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Thank you IVF for our little miracles!!
  • That's wonderful news!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That is truly, truly amazing! Congratulations!
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  • Yay, what great news!  Congratulations!!
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  • So happy for you!!!
    TTC Child #1 Sept '08, Dx: Unexplained, DOR 2 IUI's = BFN, m/c, IVF 1 = 0 embies to put back, IVF 2 = BFN, IVF 3 = cancelled, IVF 4 = BFP with 1 embie. Our son came into our life on 9/28/11. We are in love! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Monty that is the best news!!!  Congrats sweetie!
    Dx with PCOS and IR June 2009
    After two losses, third time was a charm.
    pm me for blog link
  • YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    image TTC with PCOS since Feb. 07. Currently on a break to save $$ for IUI. Searching for My Mini M&M
  • Congratulations, Monty!!!
    DX: Premature ovarian failure
    ::::SAIFW::::: People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute. - Rebecca West
  • Woohooo! Congratulations hon!

    I will continue to stalk you on PAIF :) 

    Unexplained Infertility

    After two Clomid cycles, three injectable IUI cycles, two IVFs, two miscarriages, and one lap surgery, IVF #2 has brought us our little boy!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC #2
    After months of being postponed or cancelled, FET #1.3 (Natural FET) brought us twin girls!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Surprise! Baby #4 is due in March!
  • Yay!!! Congrats! Party!!!
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  • I am so so happy for you and your sweet little babies. I can't wait to hear more good news.
    PAIF and SAIF Always Welcome!
    TTC since 2007
    6 IUIs, 3 IVFs, and 2 m/c :< PCOS, Blood Clotting Disorder & MFI
    IVF #2 Aug 2011 is a BFN:<
    IVF #3 March 2012 is a BFN
    Not sure what to do now. Sad and lost.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Congrats Monty!! You give me oodles of hope :)
  • woot!  congrats x 2!  so happy for you!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • koynkoyn member
    WOOOOOHOOOO Monty!!!!!  *That is great news.
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