We foolishly started to discuss names this weekend. We have our big u/s next Tuesday and I had hoped to skip the whole name talk until we knew if it was a boy or girl.
Our boys name is set but oh my goodness we can't decide on a girl name. Mary-Catherine is a family name and was set in stone from day one which made it so easy. This time...not so much.
Here are the names we have been thinking about, please give me your honest opinions.
My picks:
Elizabeth Ann, Anna Grace, Elizabeth Blair
His picks:
Brynn Elizabeth, Ginger (Virginia) Grace or Blair, Charlotte Ann or Grace
Our last name is short, if it matters.
Re: Girl names
I love Charlotte Grace with Elizabeth Ann a close second.
Blair just reminds of the Facts of Life. And I don't like Ginger, but that's probably because it's the name of my uncles dog.
Elizabeth Ann = very pretty!, Anna Grace = very pretty!, Elizabeth Blair = nms
From his list I only like Charlotte Ann or Grace
I like Charlotte, Elizabeth and Anna Grace.
Actually this is kind of random but my cousin's name is Annagrace + a middle name. Whether you make them one name or not I always thought it sounded good when said together - like other two name combos (EX: Mary Catherine ).
I like where your head is at Eclaires. I'm just worried it might be a little much seeing how we already have the two name thing going with MC.
I like Anna Grace, except for the fact that just about every baby girl has Grace as a middle name these days.
I really like Brynn Elizabeth. Charlotte Ann is nice too.
I really like Annagrace!
Of your list, I like Elizabeth Ann and Anna Grace. I'm not a huge fan of Blair. From his list, I like Virginia, but not Ginger (Ginny is cuter to me...Ginger sounds like a dog nam).
I know about 10 Charlottes under the age of 5 if that matters to you. I would bet that at least 5 of them have the middle name Grace, too.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I like Brynn Elizabeth the best... it's beautiful and not as common as some of the other names.
I agree that Ginger sounds too much like a dog's name (sorry).... I like Blair fine.
While Charlotte is a pretty name, it is SOOOOO common these days. Grace is a beautiful name, but even more common than Charlotte....