DD got a 3 wheeled one for Christmas. The extra wheel for balance works really good for her. They have a bunch of 3 wheel scooters at daycare too, so that's what she's use to riding.
Both--She had a 3wheel until she was 4.5 & then got a Razor. My 3.5yr old DD has 3 wheel but can ride the Razor...albeit slowly. My kids far prefer the 3 wheel kind w/ the 2 wheels in front to the one w/ 2 wheels in back (they have both) but they are pretty pricey.
It took her a while to get where to push off with her feet since she played with our neighbors razor 2 wheel scooter. But why I like it is because the wheels don't go so fast. Our driveway slopes downhill and she can control it easily going down.
DD has one with three wheels. She is coordinated enough for a scooter, but not super daring so three wheels are perfect for her. She also likes to sit on it and go down the incline on the driveway.
2 wheels in front is much easier for younger kids but they are pricier--like $80 when you can get a 2 wheel in back for $20. But we've had both & like I say the front 2 wheels is much easier for the kid to control, especially young toddlers.
My DD is getting one for her birthday (Wednesday) and it is a 3 wheeled one. She is a bit on the clumsy side and I know she could never balance on the 2 wheeled ones. She'll be wearing a helmet whenever on it and I'm tempted to get the knee and elbow pads too!!!
Re: If your DC has a scooter...
He got a two-wheeled scooter when he was 5 years old. My 3 yr old nephew has a 3 wheeled scooter.
Thanks...question #2
Two wheels in front or two wheels in back?
two in back
DD has this scooter
: https://www.amazon.com/Radio-Flyer-Little-Red-Scooter/dp/B0000859QL/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1276522529&sr=8-3
It took her a while to get where to push off with her feet since she played with our neighbors razor 2 wheel scooter. But why I like it is because the wheels don't go so fast. Our driveway slopes downhill and she can control it easily going down.
DS (4) and his little neighbor buddy (6) have this one.
DS wants one now that is faster like the bigs kids though.