Yesterday someone took my happy baby and replaced her with a screaming mess. She wouldn't sleep at all, or really do anything that wasn't eat or scream. By the end of the day I became convinced she has reflux as she started spitting up her feeding when we laid her down. Other symptoms she is having include arching her back while screaming, tons of hiccups, wheezing during and after eating, eating less, and of course the screaming and spit up when she lies down. After I put all this together I put her in her swing, not moving to sleep, and she slept for the first time all day (at about midnight last night). She seems to be feeling better as long as she is sitting in it but still is eating less. I am calling the pedi in the morning but wanted to see if this sounded like reflux to anyone else? Sorry for the massive run on, I'm on my phone.
Re: Opinions, especially if you know about reflux
#1-- LOVE that sig pic.
#2-- Sounds like it could be reflux, esp since she feels better sitting up. Are you nursing her or FFing her? Have you tried cutting out dairy? How are her poops?
You might also want to cut out caffine. My DD cannot tolerate it and would scream and not sleep for the rest of the afternoon. She also has reflux and was showing the same symptoms. Her Dr. put her on Zantac, but the wheezing still continued. It kept me up at night so we switched to Prevacid and it is a little better. She also rarely vomits on it.
This sounds like my experience with reflux. He would projectile vomit after each feeding and was such an unhappy baby. He slept in his car seat for the first 4 months of life, per our pediatrician. We also put him on Prevacid and that was like a miracle.
Definitely call the pedi and have them explore some options with you. So long as Luke was upright and took his Prevacid life was good. I also had to cut out caffeine (that includes chocolate).
I hope your little one feels better!
I would definitely call the pedi tomorrow morning. Seth has reflux and is on Zantac. I had to cut out all dairy, caffeine, and carbonated beverages from my diet in order to keep BFing. Seth takes all of his naps in his swing, because he is so much more comfortable that way. Another thing that helps is wearing him in the Moby and carrying him around that way.
Let me know if you have any other questions!