I know a lot of us on here have had failed matches and I was just curious if the ones of you who have gone through this pain and now have your LO could give the rest of us that are going through a failed match right now a little hope! I also just think it's interesting to see how long it took before your LO arrived after a failed match.
Re: Poll: How long after your failed matched were you matched again..
As you know, my situation is a little different. We had a failed match in July 2006, and then we stepped away from adoption and did some IF treatments from August 2006 until April 2007. I always think about how fast our 2nd match went. We update our home study in mid May 2007 and didn't even get a copy in our hands when our facilitator called about Ben. When we started down the adoption road again, it just took 2 weeks for our match.
I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I know it's hard. We tried for 4 years with 2 miscarriages and a failed adoption but finally our mircale happened, and it will for you too!
11 months till we were matched again the weird thing is we were matched in the same month, baby is due in the same month and the birth moms have the same name. kinda weird
That is weird!!!
4 months the first time.
We still haven't been matched after the second time, but we're not really actively looking for a match either.
Failed match #1 was in Nov
Failed match #2 was March (Mia was born March 7th and BM revoked papers March 11th)
Sticky Match #3 was April 30th (3 days after Abby was born)
So 4 months between matches #1 & #2 and then roughly 7 weeks between #2 and #3
for us we had a failed match in april and were matched with our son in june ( he was born in july)