Even though I know my settings, I just worry. I feel rude ignoring Bump friend requests but I often do just because I don't know the person. I trust most are good people, but it is hard to know who I want to allow another onion ring closer to my irl world.
How do you decide who you accept as a fb friend?
*Edited title because Bump was slow and didn't post this right above the post I was hoping it would.
Re: I sometimes wonder about bump/fb friends
ITA. i usually only will accept people that i *think* i really know here. i only have a handful of BOTBrs on FB anyway
Now? I only accept or ask BOTBers if we actually "talk" on the board. Initially I added a bunch, and found that we didn't have as much in common as I'd thought, so I limited what they can see on my fb or outright removed.
There are still some ladies I would love to add, but know they limit their Bump/FB mingling. I can respect that. However, if they requested me I'd say yes.
As for IRL people, I started to limit a while ago. I don't need my boss, or most of my co-workers to know that I sunburnt my ass at the tanning beds, (or whatever other mischief I might get into.)
Except for BOTBers and a few others, I'm only friends with people I know IRL. I have several BOTB regs on my FB. If it's anyone I feel sketchy about or who isn't a reg, I won't request them or accept them, whatever the case may be.
If I had BOTB friend requests on FB, I would treat it like this. However, I am only friends with one person from BOTB, so I don't think the requests are going to be pouring in.
I tend not to request friends from BOTB on FB, but if someone requests me, and I feel like I've seen a good bit of them here, and that they are honest people from what I can tell and not crazy, then I generally accept them.
I feel weird inviting people to be my friend though, only because I know I'm not one of the cool kids.
Married 11/24/07
Camille Rae 8/21/10
Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14
But see, do you REALLY know I'm not a reg? How do you know if I'm not your "bump BFF" and just happend to go BSC through my AE? Bronc could have been a whole different life that I made up.
You never know...
*hint* I do know quite a few of you through here
I don't have any BOTB friends but I would probably add anyone who I'd previously interacted with or who I liked through their posts.
I think that more than likely I would be the one doing the requesting rather than vice versa though.
Abraham Arthur 2/21/10 // Asher Kendall 11/11/11
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This, exactly.
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