"Mommy? I want to be a mommy when I grow up to be a woman. And I want a baby in my tummy. Will it have the tube thingy in its belly button to eat? You're a good mommy so I want to be one like you. I also want to be a chef. Or I still want to be a doctor. But I want to be a mommy too."
Bryan "No Sam. Eat waffle. See trucks?"
Re: Car conversations
We have had similar conversations. Not the Bryan conversation though.
I tell DD she has to be all grown up, go to college, get married and then she can get a baby in her belly.
She then replies, when you get married, you get to kiss?
*sigh* love her
DS1 asked us this weekend how the daddy puts the baby in the mommy's tummy. How does the daddy get the baby to put in there? I told him that he would learn how to do that when he gets older, just like how he'll learn to drive a car, and learn to do all kinds of grown up things like that. He was totally cool with that answer. *phew* conversation postponed for at least another year!