Babies on the Brain

I can do this in just a couple hours max, right?


The cake for my sister's graduation party.  I already baked the cake.  It's a half sheet cake (12"x15") so it's pretty big.  I need to make a batch of buttercream icing for it, but the rest I'm doing in fondant (so the white in the picture will be buttercream, while everything else is buttercream covered in fondant).

I have white fondant, so I have to color it...but there are 6 colors so I'll divide it evenly and color all at once.  DH is going to do the rings while I make the little dude standing at the top and freehand cut out the letters.

I can do it in a few hours tomorrow night right?  Please tell me we wont be up all night.  Saturday is going to be a really effing long day if so.


Re: I can do this in just a couple hours max, right?

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