The cake for my sister's graduation party. I already baked the cake. It's a half sheet cake (12"x15") so it's pretty big. I need to make a batch of buttercream icing for it, but the rest I'm doing in fondant (so the white in the picture will be buttercream, while everything else is buttercream covered in fondant).
I have white fondant, so I have to color it...but there are 6 colors so I'll divide it evenly and color all at once. DH is going to do the rings while I make the little dude standing at the top and freehand cut out the letters.
I can do it in a few hours tomorrow night right? Please tell me we wont be up all night. Saturday is going to be a really effing long day if so.
Re: I can do this in just a couple hours max, right?
I couldn't decorate it in a day, but I could eat it in minutes.
Oh I am so taking pictures of it when I'm done.
This will probably be one of my favorite cakes ever. Cute and doesn't have to be perfect. Plus I'm sure it will make several people cry. Including myself.