Babies on the Brain

another s/o cps

This might be totally stupid.  Just let me know if it is

My dog needs a grooming.  Am I at risk of being called on if I park the car directly in front of the groomer, drop of the dog and get back in car?  Its about 10 feet away from the curb.

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Re: another s/o cps

  • are you talking about leaving the babes in the car?

    not sure what's "legal".   I just know I'm uneasy even going out on my patio and leaving LO in the house.   But I also am not dealing with moving 2 around at a time.

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  • I'd be too scared that someone would jump in my car and drive away with my kid(s) in the backseat.

    Maybe you can call and ask the groomer to meet you outside in front of the store (have you been going to the same person for a while?)?

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  • My parents use to do that all the time.
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  • I would not do it. It's not about CPS, it's about general safety.

    Can you call them (the groomer) from your car and have them either come out and get the dog or stay with the boys while you take the dog in?

    edit for clarity

  • imagestaycee:

    are you talking about leaving the babes in the car?

    not sure what's "legal".   I just know I'm uneasy even going out on my patio and leaving LO in the house.   But I also am not dealing with moving 2 around at a time.

    yeah, leaving them in the car.

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  • It depends on who sees you and if they decide to call. 

    I personally think it's fine but you never ever know what other people will do. 

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  • What if you call the groomer and ask if they can meet you at the car because you have two tiny babies and it would be almost impossible for you to wrangle them and the dog?

    If your groomer cares about your business I bet they would.  Helll, if I was your groomer I would come out!

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  • I wouldn't do it...but I also probably go a little overboard in situations like that.   Is there a kid in the neighborhood you trust to ride with you?  Someone in the 12-15 year old range?
  • imagecrownedbee:
    I wouldn't do it...but I also probably go a little overboard in situations like that.   Is there a kid in the neighborhood you trust to ride with you?  Someone in the 12-15 year old range?

    We chose the neighborhood full of elderly people who refuse to even look in your general direction.  Its a great place to raise kids.  

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  • Emie28Emie28 member

    Maybe you can call and ask the groomer to meet you outside in front of the store (have you been going to the same person for a while?)?

    I was going to suggest this. I honestly wouldn't do it b/c I have read of people getting in trouble for similar things.

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  • Even if the report resulted in an investigation, it would then be 'unsupported' in MA.  At most they would clarify what happened with you and tell you not to do it. 
  • giaM28giaM28 member
    personally i wouldnt do it. can you call the groomer to get the dog from the car if you park outside the door?
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