TTC after 35

Met with the RE and have a plan

I met with the RE to go over my testing today.  All the test results look normal except the MTHR which he said technically fell in the normal range but he felt was slightly high and said he would put me on prescription folic acid.  Then he said I could really do nothing but keep trying if I wanted and come back in couple months, I could do an IUI with femara, or we could go straight to IVF.

So AF should arrive this weekend and we're going to start with the IUI.  Partly b/c I don't yet know how I'm going to afford IVF and partly b/c I recently got pg w/o intervention and so I'm not sure the most agressive option is the way to start.  Anyway I'm excited to have a plan and hope that it will make it easier on CD1. This has been a bad TTC month - I couldn't confirm ovulation, my EDD was supposed to be June 20th and all sorts of milestones have popped up - I'm vowing to be more positive next month!

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Re: Met with the RE and have a plan

  • I'm sorry about your EDD coming up. I hope you have a lot of success with the IUI.
  • i had an MTHFR diagnosis too and my dr. had me on extra folic acid and baby aspirin. i had also gotten pg naturally twice before going to RE, but both ended in mcs. we started with IUIs but after 3 of them, one resulting in a chemical pg, i decided i wanted to fasttrack things and moved onto IVF. We had DD #1 with our very first IVF with ICSI. that being said, our insurance covered up to 3 IVFs, so I didn't have to think about what the cost would be for us.

      I just had DD #2 a little less than 3 weeks ago. We had tried an IVF but failed and the very next month got prego on our own with her. best of luck.

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  • Good luck with the IUI and yea for a plan! Keeping fingers crossed for you!
  • (((hugs)))  It does feel good to have a plan, doesn't it?  GL!
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • Yay for having a plan! Wishing you all the best!
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  • That sounds great jcath, wishing you the best on your journey Big Smile still waiting for mine.....! Onwards and upwards!!!!!
  • Yay for having a plan!  I found that I was much calmer once I started going to my RE made a plan.......calmer in that I felt like I was taking control of the situation and not second guessing everything and leaving everything to the fertility gods.  I hope you have success next cycle!
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