Which do you prefer>
I feel like Nathaniel would sound better than Nathan with our other son's names, but I am curious what others thinks. DH prefers Nathan, but said we could name him Nathaniel and call him Nathan, but if we are going to call him Nathan I would rather name him that. Opinions?
Any middle name ideas?
We finally are happy with our girl choices-we have 3 that we love:
Charlotte Jane
Julianne Claire
Caroline Joy
Re: Nathan or Nathaniel?
We have a Nathaniel in our family. Some call him Nathaniel, some Nathan, others Nate. So even if you name him Nathan, he might not go by that!
I prefer Nathaniel. Just like my LO, I named him Benjamin and that's what I call him. Everyone else can call him whatever, but I love the name Benjamin so that's what I'll call him. I just like the more formal version of the name.
Nathaniel Philip
Nathaniel Charles
Nathaniel James
Nathaniel Oliver
Nathaniel Robert
Nathaniel Travis
Nathaniel Wyatt
I like all of your girls names.
I like Nathan better... my fiancee' name is Nathan Wayne (older name though)
as for girl names I really like Julianne Claire
My boys both go by their full names-never have been called Tony or Jack so I want to name this one with the same idea in mind.
I prefer Nathan. I do kind of agree with you though that for some reason Nathaniel seems to go with your other sons' names a little better. I'm not quite sure why. That said, I would probably still go with Nathan, especially if that is what you are going to call him regardless.
I love your 3 girl name choices
Some middle name ideas:
Nathan Patrick
Nathan Riley
Nathan Andrew
Nathan Lucas
Nathan Isaac
Nathan Elijah
Nathan Phillip
Nathan Zachary
Nathan Joshua
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
nathan over nathaniel any day.
and i knew a girl in high school named caroline joy, she went by Joy and she was a total s1ut! but ofcourse you cant base a name on that! haha, its just what i think of sorry, but i like Charlotte Jane.
I know a Nathaniel who goes by Nathan/Nate and it works well. However if you are never ever going to call him Nathaniel, it might just make more sense to just go with Nathan. I think Nathan goes just as well with your other son's names.
Your girl names are very pretty! You'll just have to curb the JC/CJ nicknames... We have Claire picked out if we have a girl and are avoiding J middle names for this very reason.
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
No worries here. I hate initial nicknames and have always used my kids full names, so that won't be a problem
The C and J are the first name initials of my mom and mil so that is why there is the pattern.
I hear ya. That's why Eli is just Eli. We didn't want him to be Elijah, nn Eli. We knew we would always call him Eli, so that's his name. I figured Benjamin would get shortened by everyone but me, but that's okay. I can call him Benjamin!
I love Nathaniel.
I like both Nathan and Nathaniel. I have a nephew named Nathaniel, family calls him Nathan and his friends call him Nate (he's in his early 20's).
I love Charlotte Jane and Caroline Joy! Personally, I'm a bigger fan of Caroline though.
Caroline Joy
I, too, prefer Nathan over Nathaniel. I really like Nathan but won't use it because I don't really like Nate.
*** BFP #3 - angel baby at 8w2d - D&C 1.31.14 ***
*** BFP #4 - Chloe Grace, the 'C' to complete our 'A & B' - born Feb 25th, 2015 at 22w2d, lived for 2.5hrs ***
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