Babies on the Brain

This post is really long and really whiny, sorry.

1.  I HATE my job.  Hate it.  And it's so busy and stressful right now and I don't even know where to begin on the huge stack of shiit that needs to be accomplished, so I am procrastinating instead.  Because my brain is shut. down.

2.  I am tired of migraines.

3.  My mom called last week and complained to me about how busy she is and she can't keep her house clean.  SHE DOESN'T WORK.  My sister had graduation festivities three nights in a row last week, so my mom was exhausted.  She said they were running around constantly.  Really mom?  Try being away from home 12 hours a day, having a 2-y.o. and having to go to freaking PA every other weekend for two months.  Then let me know how tired you are.

4.  Henry was up a lot last night.  He asked me to rock him.  I said no and walked him back to bed, tucked him in and left his room.  What if he never asks me to rock him again?  What if I missed it because I thought I was "sleep training" him or whatever?

Okay, now I am crying.  I need a drink, a cupcake and a nap. 

And a drink, cupcake and nap to whoever got through that.

Re: This post is really long and really whiny, sorry.

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    Aww, I wish there was more that I could do than just offer you an e-drink, e-cupcakes and to e-take over your work while you nap under the desk.

    Sorry sweetie. I hope you can get some rest very very soon.



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    wanna snuggle?  im having a crap day too
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    Hugs, I hope your day gets better. Just try taking it one thing at a time and you will get through it all!
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    Big hugs. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time.
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    I wish you could go curl up somewhere and take a nap.


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    Sounds like you need a mental health day. That sucks!
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    hot cocoa always makes things better:


    and cupcake per your request:






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