South Florida Babies

Totally NBR but Small Business and Credit Cards question???

Hi there:   My husband would like to start taking credit cards at his business but I have no idea where to turn to look for a merchant account.... there are soo many options!  Do any of you deal with this at work and can recommend a good company or rep that you work with?  We don't want a long term contract or equipment lease. And  if you've had a bad experience I'd a appreciate a stay clear of ... warning =)

Thanks so much!


Re: Totally NBR but Small Business and Credit Cards question???

  • I personally haven't worked with them, but I know Costco offers this service.  Usually, they offer great deals, so if you are a member, worth looking into, at least to compare with other merchants.
    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks Jackie! That sounds like a great place to start. BTW I've been bouncing on and off these boards for a whole bunch of years and I'm so happy for you and your twins on the way! Congrats!
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  • imageGoldieBride:
    Thanks Jackie! That sounds like a great place to start. BTW I've been bouncing on and off these boards for a whole bunch of years and I'm so happy for you and your twins on the way! Congrats!

    Aw, thanks!  I remember you from yrs past.  Your baby is adorable.

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • My husband's business takes credit cards, and he had been using one company but he just switched to the bank he uses for the business to make it simpler.  It's just happening this week, so I can't say for sure if he likes them, though.  But we've also considered using Costco, as Jackie suggested. 


  • Thanks for the reply! I will call the bank and see if they offer this service. BTW, I found a pretty good review site called   Super informative about what seems to be a business that doesn't put a lot of information out there. Maybe your husband wants to check it out.
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