I have a dumb question that I can't seem to find the answer to... Is it possible to have a really regular cycle (28 days) and not O? Or is the O required for AF to arrive? Thanks!
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Hi april, what i do know is that you dont need to O for AF to arrive, not 100% sure on the reg cycle though, lots of ladies here are more experienced that me so you will get an answer! Its like with OPKs, they can detect the LH surge but that doesnt mean that you will O, your best bet is to chart your temps and cm, that will def tell you you O'd, good luck!!
I'm sure it's possible but I doubt likely only because I just can't see your body knowing what exactly to do every 28 days when it's not working properly, KWIM?
In my experience, when I don't ovulate (annovulatory) I have a really long cycles (longest 90 days but usually 60 days).
Saying that, I am not a pro at this ovulation crap so I could be completely wrong.
I agree w/pp's. Although I'm no expert, from what I've read on these boards, it seems that the annovulatory cycles are usually on the long side. I would think if you are having regular cycles w/in reason, you most likely are O'ing. But again, I'm not an expert (or a dr!)
Do you chart? That would tell you whether or not you are. Or you can call your dr just to put your mind at ease to make sure all the plumbing is working properly.
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Having AF does not necessarily mean that ovulation has taken place. Some women may have what is called an anovulatory cycle, (meaning no ovulation - like Chicken said) and can experience some bleeding which is mistaken for AF, but it is actually not a true period.
I had regular cycles and did not O. I guess my brain 'forgot' to tell my ovaries to ovulate....or something like that...I don't remember all the medical jargon my dr. used...but that was basically it.
I didn't get a peak day on my CBEFM this month and told my RE I didn't think I ovulated. He said he was doubtful that I didn't ovulate but if I didn't I probably wouldn't get a period and that would be a better indicator.
Why do you think you didn't O?
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I used an OPK and never got a good positive result. I had one day that the result was questionable, but the next day was negative. Another question... How long would it stay positive?
I only had 7 test strips, so I plan to buy the kit with 20 next month so I can test every day and be more confident in the results.
I haven't been charting, but am starting to think I probably should.
Thanks for all the information!
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It's not unusual to one day get a positive OPK and the next having a negative.
And you can miss the surge very easily - some people will test 2x a day when they get closer to when they think they should be O'ing.
All this!
I start testing on CD 9 with cheapie strips and watch as they get darker, then do digital 2x a day to confirm a +OPK. I have gotten a neg in am a + in pm and neg next morning...so every easy to miss surge. Only way to really know if you O is if you are charting/temping.
I highly suggest going to the Fertility Friend website (link in many of our siggy's) and reading all the great lessons on charting/temping and get the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". I have learned so much from these along with the great info from the ladies on this board!
Re: Dumb Question
I'm sure it's possible but I doubt likely only because I just can't see your body knowing what exactly to do every 28 days when it's not working properly, KWIM?
In my experience, when I don't ovulate (annovulatory) I have a really long cycles (longest 90 days but usually 60 days).
Saying that, I am not a pro at this ovulation crap so I could be completely wrong.
I agree w/pp's. Although I'm no expert, from what I've read on these boards, it seems that the annovulatory cycles are usually on the long side. I would think if you are having regular cycles w/in reason, you most likely are O'ing. But again, I'm not an expert (or a dr!)
Do you chart? That would tell you whether or not you are. Or you can call your dr just to put your mind at ease to make sure all the plumbing is working properly.
Having AF does not necessarily mean that ovulation has taken place. Some women may have what is called an anovulatory cycle, (meaning no ovulation - like Chicken said) and can experience some bleeding which is mistaken for AF, but it is actually not a true period.
I had regular cycles and did not O. I guess my brain 'forgot' to tell my ovaries to ovulate....or something like that...I don't remember all the medical jargon my dr. used...but that was basically it.
I didn't get a peak day on my CBEFM this month and told my RE I didn't think I ovulated. He said he was doubtful that I didn't ovulate but if I didn't I probably wouldn't get a period and that would be a better indicator.
Why do you think you didn't O?
I used an OPK and never got a good positive result. I had one day that the result was questionable, but the next day was negative. Another question... How long would it stay positive?
I only had 7 test strips, so I plan to buy the kit with 20 next month so I can test every day and be more confident in the results.
I haven't been charting, but am starting to think I probably should.
Thanks for all the information!
And you can miss the surge very easily - some people will test 2x a day when they get closer to when they think they should be O'ing.
All this!
I start testing on CD 9 with cheapie strips and watch as they get darker, then do digital 2x a day to confirm a +OPK. I have gotten a neg in am a + in pm and neg next morning...so every easy to miss surge. Only way to really know if you O is if you are charting/temping.
I highly suggest going to the Fertility Friend website (link in many of our siggy's) and reading all the great lessons on charting/temping and get the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". I have learned so much from these along with the great info from the ladies on this board!