
I usually post on the IF board but this is a small update

Just recently found out we're 1 of 4 new families on the 2011 wait list for Korea and am happy about it because we'll get our application by November instead of January 2011.  I've already started gathering paperwork that will be required and have started writing my autobiography.  If anyone has experience or in the process of doing international adoption, would you mind giving me some advice on how to be patient for the next 5 months?  We're just waiting for an application but it's still nerve racking.

I've taken some books related to adoption out from the library to help me.  Also since I was adopted from Korea and I can't believe all that's changed since I was adopted in the 80's.

Thanks for your feedback!

DX: Premature ovarian failure
::::SAIFW::::: People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute. - Rebecca West

Re: I usually post on the IF board but this is a small update

  • c1311c1311 member

    We are also adopting from Korea.  I'm curious about why you have to wait until November.  Is that a program requirement?  Can you start your home study before November?  We did all of our paperwork as soon as we could after our getting accepted into the program.  I'm about 4 month into waiting and already impatient.  I do liken myself to a pregnant elephant though.  LOL! (I think they are pregnant for something like 2 years.)  I just keep telling myself that unlike IF treatments, this WILL end up working.  It helps.

    Best wishes to you.   

  • c1 - it's to do with the agency.  It looks like they're in the midst of getting all the referrals done for 2010 and they do not know what their quota will be until near the end of the year.  Our agency recommended that we gather our documents beforehand. I don't think we can do a home study till we fill the required paperwork.  We're going through Welcome House which is affiliated with Pearl S. Buck and we're using them because I was adopted through them. Right now I'm just planning ahead of time and getting all the required documents so we're not scrambling at last minute.  We've received a few documents here & there but in the meantime we're just waiting.  I think every agency is different.  Elephants are pregnant for a long time but in the end, it's so worth the wait (that's what I tell myself).

    Have you been matched yet? 

    DX: Premature ovarian failure
    ::::SAIFW::::: People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute. - Rebecca West
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  • hey there!

    I can't give advice on how to be patient, because I feel like every single day drags by! Have you seen the application yet? For our application, there was a bio portion where I had to answer a bunch of questions about myself. It ended up being 10 pages long and was the part of the application that took the longest for me. If you have a requirement to write a bio, maybe you could start working on it now?

    We also had to submit photos of our families and our house so if you need to do that, you could start gathering or taking those.

    Does your agency have workshops you could attend? That helps with passing time too.


    After 5 years of TTC, 3 IUIs, 5 IVFs, 2 FETs, multiple losses and an adoption that wasn
  • c1311c1311 member

    How nice that you are able to use the same agency!  We are using an agency out of Mass., even though we live in another state, so they are acting as a placement agency rather than a full-service agency.  They in turn work with Holt in Korea.  We had our homestudy done by a local SW who works with our placement agency, rather than the agency doing it, so we were able to work on that on our own.

     We haven't gotten a referral yet.  And probably won't for another year.  They closed the program for about a year and we got in when they opened it back up in February, so our wait is supposed to be only 12 to 18 months from the time we applied.   Despite doing IF treatments, I am still not very patient and am considering taking up a hobby like sewing or knitting to keep me busy. Huh? I hate waiting!


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