And the new Pampers SUCK! They stink like Huggies the second pee hits them. Looks like Pampers made the New Coke mistake. Dude, it ain't broke. Don't fix it. Now my beloved Target will get more of my $.
I've never noticed a smell from the diaper when it was wet (huggies), but I'm REALLY hoping this next kid isn't as sensitive as jake is-- I would LOVE to use Target diapers, I hear they are great. (they gave Jake a rash too.)
Ami - maybe try Luvs also. I think they are great - thin like Pampers and work just as well as any.
I did. They gave him a rash too, not as bad as the pampers did, but still bad and fast enough that I couldn't use them. Huggies Supremes have been the only thing that do not give him a rash. They do make his butt a little dry/red bumpy sometimes, but we just put A&D or lotion on it and it clears up. This was one reason I was so ready for him to be PT'd.
Re: XP: stupid advertisers...
Christmas 2011
Ami - maybe try Luvs also. I think they are great - thin like Pampers and work just as well as any.