
Labeling multiples baby bottles

Did everyone use inchbug?  I used those for DD for daycare and while I like them (even if a PITA to get on and off), it seems like I'd need two sets for each kid which is roughly $50+ even with a discount.  I suppose I could get away with 1 set each.  Just curious about other ideas (i.e. painters tape in 2 diff colors - although that could get just as pricey after awhile). 

ETA:  Just for at home to keep track of who ate what in the beginning at least and not mix up bottles.

Re: Labeling multiples baby bottles

  • not sure if this would work for bottles, but I got a labeling kit at the container store. It has a bunch of different sized labels, a pen and an eraser.  It's called Label once Erasable food labels. 

    "They are microwave-freezer- dishwasher safe. Labels allow permanent marker ink to be erased quickly and cleanly as often as needed."


  •  We use drop-ins and I just use different colored nipple rings from the bottles (I have way more rings than bottles from the 4 oz we started with and now have 10 80z bottles and 12 nipples  and about 20 colored rings)  to keep them straight. Drop-ins are to me worth the extra cost because when making 14 bottles a day it is waay easier to just change the liner and nipple than wash a whole bottle out.

    Good luck! :)

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  • I'm planning to do the same with the playtex bottles, we are hoping the colored rings work out well....
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  • We bought a daycare set of labels for each of them off of  We put their bottles through the dishwasher every night and the labels had just started to show wear when we retired them at 12 months.  We still have tons of labels for clothes, sippy cups, shoes, etc.
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  • kegkeg member

    Do you mean labeling for daycare or just day to day?  For home use, I didn't really do anything to keep bottles straight.  They ate what they ate and then I usually tossed what they didn't afterwards.  Breast milk bottles got stuck back in the fridge, but I usually knew who they belonged to.  For daycare, I thought about getting labels, but since I also hate to date everything, I just decided to write their name and date on masking tape each day.  I did have a different color sharpie I used for each DD though.  Not that I needed to, I just liked it. 

    ETA:  Once DDs were on milk at daycare and I only needed to take in empty sippy cups, then I got a set of inchbug labels for each girl.

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  • I used different color rings for each baby too. 
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  • I gave each baby a set color and i continued the color with the pacifiers and sippy cups as well.
  • We labeled one set with masking tape - didn't even know they actually made bottle labels. It worked fine and made it easier in the dark to tell which bottle I had - could feel the tape.
  • We've just always color-coded, too. Will is always blue; Alex is always green. For sets that come with other colors, we'll use one "assigned" color and then we know that the other belongs to the other baby. E.g. now for our sippy cups, one set came with a red cup and a green cup. Since the green one is Alex's, the red by default is Will's. Works for toothbrushes, etc., too. And then sometimes for a baby-sitter I'll dress Will in a blue shirt and Alex in a green shirt so it's easy for them to remember which bottle (now sippy), toothbrush, etc., goes with which LO.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I just bought one set and put both names on them.  When they were using bottles I put a red rubber band on one and blue on the other to tell them apart.  Now that they are in sippies I use one color for each kid.  I put the label on the sippy and cross out the name of the other kid with a sharpie.  So on the Red sippies it says Caroline and Andrew Smith and Andrew is blacked out.  Saved $$'s on labels. 
  • I use vinyl labels for the two I already have, will use them later.


    I found them on


  • we use inchbug and just have one set of 4 for each so when we were sending 3-4 bottles/day for each, we did have to wash them every night b/c htere was no way I was taking them on & off. By 8 months we were only sending 2 bottles per day and we run our d/w pretty regularly so it wasnt a big deal anymore.  We use dr b's so different colored stuff on the actual bottle was not an option.

    But, our daycare also requires you to write what is in it & the I used a label maker to print labels that said "formula with rice cereal" and they are faded now but still on all our bottles even after a zillion runs through the d/w. They provided us with little color dots (they color code the kids) that we put on the lids each day w/ the date. 

    Before daycare we used to do the rubber band thing like pp said when we needed to distinguish b/w bottles b/c one was getting prune juice or something like that....


  • I actually just wrote on the bottles with a sharpie.  sometimes it faded due to the dishwasher, but I would just re-write it then.
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