South Florida Babies

New to the Board

Hi everyone,

DH and I got married back in January and we've been talking about TTC for the last couple of months.  We're almost ready to start but I was just looking for some recs for an OB/GYN in the Boca Raton area.  

TIA :) 

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: New to the Board

  • Hi! Welcome and congrats on your recent wedding. You'll likely get a ton of recommendations for Women's Health Partners:

    I've seen Drs. Ciaccio and Newman and love them both. Good luck TTC!

  • Hi and Welcome!  I'm TTCing too - best of luck to you!

    I second Women's Health Partners.  I see Drs. Feingold and Ciaccio and also love them both.  What I really like about this office is that it's easy to just call for lab appt. if you get infections, etc without having to wait for a dr. appt.  :)

    Jason & Patricia 5/28/06


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  • I don't have any recs, but wanted to say hello and welcome!
  • Yay!! I go to Dr. Cueto. The office is located on 441 adjacent to the West Boca Medical center. The practice is Premier Woman's Healthcare and there are 3 doctors....all of which are great. Email me if you have any questions and good luck! We still have to get together- we live so close!
  • Welcome and congrats!  I use Dr. Fredrick Silfen in east Boca.  I prefer a single doctor practice and have had great experiences with him, he delivered both of my children.  Good luck!
  • imagePJ33062:

    I second Women's Health Partners.  I see Drs. Feingold and Ciaccio and also love them both.  What I really like about this office is that it's easy to just call for lab appt. if you get infections, etc without having to wait for a dr. appt.  :)

     I love Dr. Ciaccio!  I saw Feingold for my first baby but I go to the Boynton office and she's there on the one day I can't go in for appts so I switched.   There are several doctors in the practice and they rotate being on call so that's who will deliver your baby.  Dr. Friedman was on call when I was delivering but needed an emergency c section so Dr. Feingold came in to assist.


  • I have no recs but welcome to the board Big Smile
  • Welcome! Good luck TTC!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • Welcome!!  I'm not in the Boca area so I don't have any recs.

    Good luck TTC!!!!!!

    image image

  • I don't have any rec's. But I did want to say hello and welcome.

    Good Luck TTC

  • Thanks so much ladies :)  I'll have to check out the recommended Drs.

    I'm mostly on The Nest for now, but I'll slowly be migrating over here as we continue TTC. :)

    Bea-I know!  I can't believe we haven't gotten together yet! 


    BabyFetus Ticker
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