On top of everything else we need to do, it just seems more and more like a total hassle. I really want to continue, but I'm having to talk myself into it with each session
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I had supply issues - so I only lasted 4 weeks. I was pumping 14 times a day, in the middle of the night, power pumping, etc and I was only making enough for them to get 1/2 BM anyways.. I hung up the pump and was much happier.
good luck though - I really wish I had been able to make enough an pumped longer
My last pump was on Sunday, 6 days before their first birthday. I won't lie. It wasn't easy, but it went by much faster than I would've imagined. I almost quit at 3 months but figured that 3 months went by fast enough so I should try to get to 6 months. At 6 months, I figured a year didn't sound so terrible.
I EP'd for 3.5 months. I got a bout of mastitis and my supply tanked. I had been thinking about giving up pumping anyway, but the thought of going back to marathon pumping to build up my supply again helped me make the decision to quit.
It's a tough choice because there is so much guilt associated with it. Best of luck to you.
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I was hoping that i would be able to nurse and pump but it seems i am pumping more and more and not nursing. It has been a month so far. I have about 200 ounces in the freezer, and i am pumping more than enough to meet their needs. I want to last as long as possible. It is a pain, but i think it is worth it.
I lasted 3 months before I started supplementing, I pumped until 6 months before quitting completely. I didn't really have problems and could have kept up with them, but around 3 months we were dealing with bad reflux and I did not have the energy to work on getting my supply up.
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I EPed for 4 months and then weaned slowly over the course of a month, so 5 months total.
Admittedly I am SO happy to not be doing it anymore, but I'm really glad I lasted as long as I did. My advice if you really want to continue: don't decide to quit on a bad day.
I am at just over 5 weeks and I plan to continue until August and then slowly start weaning over the month of August. They boys will be 8 months by then. We are going to CA for a wedding, and I don't want to have to worry about pumping all the time. I do supplement with about 8 ounces of formula per day.
I'm at 5 months and going strong! It has actually been easier lately since it's such a part of my routine now.I'm not going to lie though... I still hate doing it 6 X a day but def easier than it was
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I EP'd for 17 months for the twins. That was mainly b/c they had major food allergies and I went on an elimination diet for them. Ditto the above poster where it got easier b/c it became routine.
Re: If you EPed
I had supply issues - so I only lasted 4 weeks. I was pumping 14 times a day, in the middle of the night, power pumping, etc and I was only making enough for them to get 1/2 BM anyways.. I hung up the pump and was much happier.
good luck though - I really wish I had been able to make enough an pumped longer
My last pump was on Sunday, 6 days before their first birthday. I won't lie. It wasn't easy, but it went by much faster than I would've imagined. I almost quit at 3 months but figured that 3 months went by fast enough so I should try to get to 6 months. At 6 months, I figured a year didn't sound so terrible.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Exclusively EP'd for 3 months. Did a long wean (about 1 month) so lasted 4 months total. Had a good freezer stash by the time I put up my white flag.
I EP'd for 3.5 months. I got a bout of mastitis and my supply tanked. I had been thinking about giving up pumping anyway, but the thought of going back to marathon pumping to build up my supply again helped me make the decision to quit.
It's a tough choice because there is so much guilt associated with it. Best of luck to you.
I EPed for 4 months and then weaned slowly over the course of a month, so 5 months total.
Admittedly I am SO happy to not be doing it anymore, but I'm really glad I lasted as long as I did. My advice if you really want to continue: don't decide to quit on a bad day.
Good luck!