Just an FYI.. I bought some little safety cones at Target yesterday, and DD is hving a blast with them!
I got maybe 6 in a pack for $2.50 in the dollar bins at the front of the store. I was going to use them outside, like some in the driveway to warn her not to go near the road, and for playing in the back yard.
But DD got into them last night and she's been playing with them quite a bit! Just thought I'd share if anyone is interested.
(They are like mini orange road cones)
Re: Safety cones at Target
You know, I saw those and wondered to myself, "What could I do with those...?" Good ideas!!
I also just thought of another one. My DS loves the Toy Story movies, and in TS2, they disguise themselves under orange cones to cross the street. I'm sure my DS would love to play 'hide Buzz and Potato Head and Hamm" under the cones!