Babies on the Brain

Jury duty question

So my husband got a jury duty notice at his parents house in another state. Obviously he can't make it. Does anyone know the protocol here? I mean really, its jury duty.

Re: Jury duty question

  • The notification has instructions on it. Tell him to read that.
    JHL 12/5/09 - 12/9/09
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  • Well yeah but he doesn't have it. Its at his parents house. In another state. We only know because my MIL actually remembered to tell us this.  Which is rare. She's super flaky. Sweet but not all there. 
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  • 1. Open up a new internet window

    2. Type in

    3. Search for "Jury Duty _____ (whatever state the notice was issued from)

    4. Click on link for said state jury duty office

    5.  Find info you are looking for or alternately call the phone number that is no doubt listed somewhere.

    6. Problem solved.

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  • Can't MIL read the instructions to you?  She can also Fed Ex it to you and you'd have it the next day.

    Is his parents address still his permanent address?  If he hasn't changed it (i.e. drivers license, voter registration, etc still use that one), he is probably obligated to go. If he has changed his permanent address, likely he will just have to send in proof of his new address and will be excused.  

  • I've tried the google thing. I've tried the state website. I've tried the number she gave us (which is incorrect. I think she gave us that one because my FIL works in one of the state offices) and I am running out of options. He can't just go. The only thing I can think of is that we can prove his address here by our marriage certificate but we haven't received it yet. That's the only legal document we "kind of" have though.
  • what state is it?
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  • Montana stupid middle of nowhere town. Its seriously a county with less than 2000 people in it. They have to drive almost 40 miles to get to a walmart. So the website for the county is less than helpful.
  • Go on to the state's court website and there should be link for juror info.
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  • Then I would just start calling any number you can find for any department in that county and telling them you need the phone number for the jury duty department.  Keep calling numbers until someone can help you.


    Call one/all your friends from back there and ask them to help you locate the info.  Call your ILs back and explain that the number they gave is wrong and you NEED them to read to you exactly what the notice says.  Hell I would go so far as to call the non emergency police number and see if they could help you locate the correct number.

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  • I think I just came across two numbers that might work but they aren't open yet. Hopefully in an hour he can call and get this taken care of. We don't even know when he is supposed to report for it. I just don't want there to be a warrant out for something like this.
  • The STATE controls all jury duty.  Get off the county site and go to the state site.  And don't call the police department.  They have other shitt to do.
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  • Are you a moron? I mean come on.. you come online to a bunch of ladies who have no clue WTF you are and ask stupid questions?  Please tell me you are one of this obnoxious, AW newbs. 

    Your MIL needs to read you the information on the summons, word for word.  Plain and simple.  If that cannot be accomplished then do a little research.  We are not in Montana and we sure as hell can't get your DH out of jury duty.  If he still lists his parents house as his residence he may be sh!t out of luck and have to go.  

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  • Dude, seriously.  If your MIL can't read, tell her to drop it in the mail.  This is not as complicated as you've made it out to be.
    JHL 12/5/09 - 12/9/09
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