ok so here is the long story
thursday june 3rd: bm wants to go on a long walk with us because her doc stripped her membranes. so we went for two long walks! when we got home she wanted to use some castor oil. so we used castor oil at like 8:30 and then brought bm home. We went to bed and at midnight i got a call from her saying her contractions were 3 min apart. i told her to keep timing and call me in an hour. Of course i couldnt sleep!!
June 4th: 12:45am bm calls me back saying they are worse, so i told her to call the doc and they told her to come on in, so i went to pick her up at about 1:15, i left dh home just in case we got sent home.
when we got there she was only about 1.5cm dilated, but her contrax were crazy close together, so they said in another hour they would check. well an hour later they checked and she was only 2 cm....so time to make a decision to either send her home or keep her. the final decision was to keep her and break her water! so at about 5 am they broke her water.
i kept in touch with dh and by now was sooooo exhausted! she got an epidural around 9 am and was ready to push at 10:30 am!!! I was right there with her holding her leg! I could see everything, including the first look at my baby boys face!! at 11:22 my son was born! i almost lost it but tried to hold it together! they printed his little feet in our baby book and immeadiatly took him to the nursery with dh and i!(bm didnt wanna see him at all)'
EVERYONE was soooo nice to us. the nurses were sooo happy for us. we watched him get his first bath and the hospital let us room in with him, they waited on us hand and foot, people were so excited to hear our story. we stayed two days and came home with him sunday afternoon.
Today we took bm to sign her tpr paperwork, and now we wait for bf registry time to run out and then he is ours for real! I want to cry sometimes because i love him so much and couldnt take losing him, so i have been a lil emotional.
we are head over heels in love and i cant believe how wonderful he is. he is worth EVERY single penny i spent, EVERY tear i cried, and EVERY day i waited for him.
Hang in there ladies, i am praying for this kind of joy for all of you very soon! i will try to get some pics up too!
Re: Update!
What a wonderful story! Congrats!
I hope this doesn't sound corny but your post is just beautiful! You made me cry
Happy tears for you and the joy and love you feel and hope... hope that I too will get this joy when it's our turn.
Congrats on your son!
That is just so wonderful! You brought tears to my eyes as well.
And i agree with GLYnn - photos!!