
What about this? Would you complain about this?

EMTEMT member
We got DD's dance picture last week. When they took them, the photog took the kids to one of the studios so we could not see how they posed them. So this was the first I had seen of the pics. In the pic, DD is sitting in a white wicker chair. She's three so you can barely see the costume because with her legs bent it covers up much of he front of the costume. Isn't that kind of lame? The pic was not cheap by any means and the photog did what would be easiest because they are young but the pose doesn't at all show off he costume. My mom said the same thing after looking at the pic without me prompting and a coworker said I should complain. I obviously would not make a huge deal out of it but maybe I should mention to DD's teacher (she owns the studio)?

Re: What about this? Would you complain about this?

  • I would say something.  If there was one sitting picture but other options I would be fine with it but you want to see the costume.  DD is having hers done next week and really I'd be bent if they didn't at least try to get her standing and posing (she is really easy to pose since she loves having her pics taken)
  • EMTEMT member
    I ordered the cheapest package which only included one pose so I don't actually know if there were any taken of her where she was standing (that were just not any good) but I kind of doubt it. I picked up my pics right when another mom did and her DD was sitting in her pic too.
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  • Since she's also the one who owns the studio, I would talk to her. I don't think I would necessarily complain exactly, but I would certainly mention it. For example, "It's a shame that they were sitting down in the pictures - their costumes were so adorable, but you can't see any of it in the photos. My (far away family member) was a little disappointed so I had to send her some other pictures, too. Maybe next time we could also get some standing pictures as an option?" I would just be nice about it.
  • Is there any way to return the pics for a refund?  Personally, if you're not happy, I don't think you should keep them.  Hire your own photog or take her to one of those snap-n-dash type studios at the mall to get a good pic of her in her costume.  Why keep and pay for images you don't love? 

    FWIW - I did not buy DD's dance pic b/c I didn't like them. A bunch of moms in her class have asked me to redo their daughters' as well (without me offering or saying anything).  DD was sitting in one and standing in the other.  She's so tiny that the tutu covered most of her in the sitting one as well.  I didn't love either since she wasn't looking at the camera and her smile was all cheesy and annoying.  I can get better and not have to pay for I don't.

  • EMTEMT member
    Ciarrai, I didn't know I could do that! Unfortunately we paid for the pics before they were even taken. Had I seen them, I would not have purchased. Not a huge deal but seems so obvious to me...
  • I would definitely call them and tell them you are disappointed in the picture and is there any way to have it retaken.  I have stopped using the photo studio that my dance studio brings in.  The pictures always came out horrible.  So now I just take her at a photo studio of my choice where I get to pick the picture I like.
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