
Considerable Gap Between Kiddos - Book Recommendations?

Hi All - My husband and I are 31 and just found out we are pregnant with our 2nd =) ... needless to say, it's all joy in our house these days (especially from our nearly 11 year old daughter!)

My question for the evening is this - does anyone know of books or other resources that would be appropriate for a tween about an impending sibling arrival? Everything we've found is geared towards much younger kiddos ... but our daughter wants to be prepared. I'm thinking if we can't find anything specific maybe some general babysitting / childcare stuff would be okay.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Considerable Gap Between Kiddos - Book Recommendations?

  • image-auntie-:

    If she's a bright eleven and interested, why not just share the books you have on child care and development?


    Ditto this.  I would have loved that at 11, for sure.


  • Thank you very much - weird I hadn't found that "Things to expect..." website, I better check my Google-fu skills =)


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  • Great idea, and she is pretty darn bright (if I do say so myself!) ... and now I can even better justify the scary influx of baby books in to our home!

    Thanks for your help!

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