Thought I could get some good feedback here, maybe someone's been through it. I am 13 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I had my first ultrasound at 9 weeks 6 days. At that ultrasound, we found 2 yolk sacks. I have a family history of twins, so I immediately asked if that meant there were 2 babies, and my doctor answered quite definitively, "Looks like he's alone in there." I went home with photos of just one baby. I read that sometimes you can't tell until 12 weeks or longer, but I've been on here browsing and learned that alot of you girls knew as early as 5-6 weeks. Is it possible that I am having twins and for some reason we just haven't seen the other baby yet? I am convinced that it's twins. I've put on 10 lbs in my first trimester, I've been in maternity clothes (and fitting them well) since 7 weeks, and I literally look like I'm 5-6 months pregnant right now. I'm having my 2nd ultrasound the day after tomorrow, so hopefully I will have some answers then, but in the meantime I'm just looking for some input.

Re: Can it sometimes take longer to detect a multiple pregnancy?
My twins were detected at 6w4days. I had a sonogram at 5wks exactly and there was a 2nd sac that appeared empty. By the next week when I went in, there were two heartbeats and they were measuring within a couple days of each other. Is this your first pregnancy?
This is my 4th pregnancy and each pregnancy I show a lot faster.
We found out at 7 weeks and it was very obvious there were 2 babies. I would think that at 9 weeks your doctor would be able to tell if there was more than one.
As far as showing early, I did not show any sooner with my twin pregnancy than I did with my singleton pregnancy. I didn't start to show until at least 18 weeks and didn't gain any weight until after 20 weeks.
Ok, so when the doctor pointed out the baby in the first sac, did the second sac look the same? As in, was it just a sac or was there something in there? Did the doctor refer to it as a sac at all? It's possible that the ultrasound was picking up the baby and part of your anatomy, which would be why he didn't mention what you are thinking was a second sac.
If there were 2 yolk sacs in the same gestational sac and only one baby then you had ID twins but the second twin did not develop. The 2nd yolk sac will just dissolve.
If there were 2 gestational sacs and one was empty then you have one baby and one blighted ovum.
Sorry it's confusing. But sounds like just one baby. We had 2 babies with heartbeats at 5w6d.
at 9w babies are quite formed - look like gummie bears...if all you saw in the 2nd was a sac- then it's not twins.
vaginal US"s are more accurate at the early stages than on the belly US's.
when you are "showing" early like that- it's all bloat- not baby - even with twins... babies are the size of peas or smaller in those early weeks- they don't make you show.
This is what came to mind for me. I think that they tried to breeze thru the situation in order to not upset you...
This was my thought too. SIL had a vanishing twin, which was discovered @ 13 wks. Hope you get your answers later this wk!
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Ditto this. We found out at 5w6d (two very obvious heartbeats). At my 8w appt there was no denying there were indeed two babies. As far as showing/needing maternity clothes, I wore my regular clothes until I was 16w and used a belly band with regular clothes until about 20/22. This is my first pregnancy though.
It will be interesting to see how your next u/s goes - keep us posted!
At that stage in pg the vag ultrasound is the best one and you will see more accurately then external/belly.
I'm sorry but if there were not 2 heartbeats seen during your appointment then you are not expecting twins. The HB will start during week 6. Best of luck to you in the remainder of your pg.