
Poll: Would you have know what this meant? (Clicky)

If you got a thank you card that was signed

"Thanks again, Susie (et al.)"

Would you know what that meant? 

I was being lazy and did this with some thank you's.  DH had no idea what it meant and thought that absolutely no one I sent it to would know either.


Re: Poll: Would you have know what this meant? (Clicky)

  • I would know what you meant.
  • I would know what you meant, but in all honesty, would not put that in a TY note. ANd I am, by no means, the queen of etiquette.
    Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11
    Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
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  • imageLisa102304:
    I would know what you meant, but in all honesty, would not put that in a TY note. ANd I am, by no means, the queen of etiquette.

    Oh, I agree it's not proper. It was just on a handful to immediate family members that I thought could do without the rundown of everyone's names. LIke I said, totally lazy!

  • I would know what you meant but would find it sort of silly.
    Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09
  • I bet Michelle Duggar uses that all the time. 

    I had 5 years of Latin, so I was not at all confused by et al..  I would use it if I was writing to someone I know well, not if I was sending it to Mrs. Obama or my moms friend, Tress, who is a stickler.  I don't think anyone I know would be confused by it.

  • imageJenninMA:
    I would know what you meant but would find it sort of silly.

    Agreed, I would just put ("& family" or "the gang" or "the boys," in my case).

    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • LOL @ Michelle Duggar!

    Ya, I realize it's kinda silly.Like I said, it was just for family - all of whom know the years I spent in research, etc. - they would probably roll their eyes and call me a nerd (in the most loving way). The point was just that DH thought that no one would know what I was saying and I told him he was wrong.

  • I think maybe I read your OP wrong.  Was that the entire card - just "thanks again" or did your write it all out properly and then sign the ending that way?


  • imagechampionmama:

    I think maybe I read your OP wrong.  Was that the entire card - just "thanks again" or did your write it all out properly and then sign the ending that way?


    Oh ya, I wrote a whole note, and then the bottom was just signed that way.

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