DH and I both have tiny cars... they are both 4dr but there is no way that an infant seat is going to fit anywhere but the middle of the back seat in either one! So we're looking for our best options... we'd preferably like an SUV, but if you have a larger sedan that works for you then recommend away!
Re: Reccomend your vehicle
Are you or your DH tall? Honestly, any mid-sized sedan would pretty much work for 2 kids......
Pre #3, I drove a Hyundai Sonata (we still own it) with the girls. I had no issues with fitting in carseats.
GL in your search!
just got a honda odyssey and love it.
but before that we had an accord. It would have fit two car seats, but I wasnt willing to do that.
No, we're not very tall... DH is 5'10" and I'm 5'4"... but we do travel a lot because we don't live near our family, so we need something with plenty of space.
OMG I am so jealous. DH and I have been drooling over the Traverse since they did the heavy ad campaign for it during the Olympics. We have a 2006 CRV and honestly it's too small with one baby (for us anyway) so we really want third row seating once our little girl comes. Our other car is a honda civic so I feel your pain OP there is no way I am tooling around with the babies in there.
You may be interested in looking into a Pontiac Vibe/Toyota Matrix - they have lots of storage space behind the back seat and the back seat itself is quite roomy. I bought a Vibe a few years ago to accomodate my dog at the time and am currently expecting #1 so am really glad to have all the space for the gear I'm getting ready to haul around for the next few years!
Good luck in your search!