
If you use neosure

How long was your child on it?

Did you fortify or use is alone?

I am curious because i was fortifying my breast milk but now i am having trouble keeping up my supply so the boys get their bottle half BM and half F. 
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Re: If you use neosure

  • Chelsea is still on it, she will be until at least a year.  She was EBF (pumped) until she was discharged and then we would do bottles of Neosure at night and she got pumped bottles of BM during the day.  We gradually switched over to completely Neosure.  We didn't mix.  HTH!
  • We are using Neosure but we just put a teaspoon in 3 oz of bm.  I have not yet used it alone. 
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  • My son has been on it for the past 9 months.  At his next well baby visit they may switch him to regular formula for the last 3 months and then to regular whole milk. 

    His weight gain has been incredible so as long as he has stayed consistent they will switch him.  But I initially figured that he would be on the premie formula for a year.

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  • My pediatrician let me stop fortifying DS's bottles at his 2 month appointment.  The pedi told us it was because DS was healthy and had demonstrated good weight gain for two visits.  I was almost EBFing anyway (which I was told was OK) and DS was only taking about one or two bottles with fortified milk per day.  We never had to use the formula by itself.  So, we have not been fortifying milk (even though DS gets more pumped milk now that I'm back at work) for about 6 weeks or so and his weight gain is still good.


    I would talk to my pedi if I were you. 

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