Yay! I can finally make a post . Anyway, I'm at a loss right now
for a girl's name. Our last name rhymes with Reese so that name is
definitely off the table (even though it is a beautiful name). Any
I love your DS's name. I went to the 2009 SSA list to see which girls name was equal in popularity to Oliver, and it is Mya (both #98 for 2009). Not sure I love Mya, but it's cute.
Oliver is a classic boy name, so how about Abigail, Elisabeth, Grace, Sarah, Hannah, Emily, Charlotte, Lillian, Amelia, Isabelle?
Re: Girl's Names
I love your DS's name. I went to the 2009 SSA list to see which girls name was equal in popularity to Oliver, and it is Mya (both #98 for 2009). Not sure I love Mya, but it's cute.
Oliver is a classic boy name, so how about Abigail, Elisabeth, Grace, Sarah, Hannah, Emily, Charlotte, Lillian, Amelia, Isabelle?
Not sure what kind of names that you like and are your style, but some of my favorites are:
I love Amelia. I think this would go well with Oliver too.
Here are some of my favorites...
Juliet, Cecilia, Corinne/Corinna, Cora, Tessa, Lucy, Nadia, Adele, Sabrina, Camille, Elise, Kathleen
Your little one is SO adorable!
I think Lucy sounds really cute with Oliver.
Ohhh! Amelia and Oliver go so well together!
Nymbler gives these suggestions as going along with the same style as Oliver....
Amelia, Eleanor, Jillian, Gemma, Beatrice, Estella, Charlotte, Marina, Cordelia, Ava, Vivian, Ruby, Violet, Maya, Sadie, Lillian