I don't have a preemie but I figured this would be the best place to ask...
How are you dealing with healing from the birth and being in the NICU? To pump I have to walk all the way out and down the hall every 2 hours, there is a place to sit and eat but again all the way on the other end. I am so sore and I want to be there for my little guy but we had to come home tonight. I am just exhausted. I had a TON of stitches and am just exhausted. Between all the pumping sessions, hormones, walking, and recovering I am fallign apart.
Re: NICU question
I pumped right in the NICU. And after I was discharged, I worked my time around a pumping session so I could hold my girls and then pump right there as well.
But you do have to take care of yourself: I ended up with a horrible recovery and an ulcer because I didn't. Your baby needs a healthy mom.
My general schedule while we were in the NICU (especially in the early days) was:
-Get up around 9am, get dressed, head to the hospital for her 11am feeding.
-Pump at bedside, then feed DD.
-Hold DD, rock DD, relax.
-Pump at bedside, then feed DD her 2pm feeding.
-DH would join us after work (usually around 3pm) and he would rock/hold her while we caught up.
-Pump at bedside, DH would feed DD her 5pm feeding.
-We left after the 5pm feeding most days, and when we got home, I'd do a few things to prepare for her homecoming and go to bed by 9pm or so.
-At night, I'd pump right before bed, then 1-2 times at night (set my alarm for 4 hour increments).
I agree, I took a wheelchair for about 2 weeks after discharge because of the walk.
I envy folks who could pump @ bedside....my NICU (like I owned it) wouldn't allow that but I think it's a wonderful idea.
You def need to take care of yourself. I was pumping while DD was in the NICU and could pump in her room but didn't feel comfortable because monitors would start to go off as soon as I started.
Whats also exhausting is the emotional part of the NICU. You don't expect when you're pregnant to not take your child home with you. And for me, I didn't know that we would be going to the NICU until she was born at 33 weeks...no indication until my water broke. You have to let yourself have those moments when you just break down...you'll feel much better. I cried one time from the moment we walked out of the NICU until like 20 minutes after we got home...but the next day I was fine. Its a total rollercoaster.
I would ask if you could just pump at his bedside. Maybe you could even pay to rent a pump for a month so you don't have to use the ones for the other moms?