Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Apparently I am poor white trash...

I was just reading some posts on The Bump Post Secrets and one of them from a few days ago said..and I quote " Call me old fashioned but if your marriage comes after your baby or got pregnant, I will not tell you congratulations. I don't care how nice you are, I still think you are poor white trash"

Wow. Just wow. I guess I fall into the poor white trash catagory since I was almost 3 months pregnant when I got married. Forget the fact that my husband and I were together for four years and that we were engaged and spent 2 years planing our wedding. Our wedding was set for June and I found out in April that I was pregnant. Obviously those 10 weeks of unwed pregnancy makes me the trashiest white girl around. Confused. People seriously amaze me sometimes.

Re: Apparently I am poor white trash...

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    KMLPKMLP member
    I saw that post, and while I am old-fashioned and do believe in marriage before baby, I still think it is really ridiculous for someone to be labeled white trash.  And really, what's it to them?
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    Wow! I can post again! Sorry, I'm so astounded by this that I forgot what I was going to say.
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    kit443kit443 member
    I am also trash because I have tattoos and piercings. LAME.
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    KMLPKMLP member

    I am also trash because I have tattoos and piercings. LAME.

    Ya, I'm trash, too.  Two tattoos!!  Trash city!  I can't believe they let me teach 5th graders! 

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    Two angel babies 11/09 and 4/10
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    I have a feeling that in this instance, "old fashioned" = bible-thumping, racist, backwards hypocrite.
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    I am also trash because I have tattoos and piercings. LAME.

    Ya, I'm trash, too.  Two tattoos!!  Trash city!  I can't believe they let me teach 5th graders! 

    OMG, I almost forgot that I'm also very trashy!  I mean, I *DO* have the god-awful fugliest tattoo known to man, you know.

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    I am also trash because I have tattoos and piercings. LAME.

    Tattoos AND piercings??? Slore.

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    kit443kit443 member

    I am also trash because I have tattoos and piercings. LAME.

    Tattoos AND piercings??? Slore.

    I ride dirty yo.

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    eesomeeesome member
    Damn. I better tell my sister, then.

    She has over 20 tattoos and is 10 weeks pregnant and unmarried.
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    I am also trash because I have tattoos and piercings. LAME.

    Me too, with the tattoos.

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    Tats and piercings = trashy?  Count me in I guess.
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    I am also trash because I have tattoos and piercings. LAME.

    Tattoos AND piercings??? Slore.

    I ride dirty yo.

    I always knew I liked you.

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    She would have really enjoyed my wedding, I was 7 months pregnant and in the hospital until the morning of due to contractions! Not to mention the two small tattoos! That poster could have held my hair back for me while I puked my dinner all during the reception.
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    I'm the trashiest of them all apparently.  Still not married, 4 tattoos, 1 piercing.  (gasp!)  And to think that underneath all that trash I'm a successful professional career woman.  Oh, but that's impossible...women can't possibly have it all!  (insert sarcasm)
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    I'm the trashiest of them all apparently.  Still not married, 4 tattoos, 1 piercing.  (gasp!)  And to think that underneath all that trash I'm a successful professional career woman.  Oh, but that's impossible...women can't possibly have it all!  (insert sarcasm) you beat.  I had TWO kids before I was married, I have 2 tattoos and a piercing. 

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    I guess my parents are too, since my mom was 3mos pregnant at their wedding, and they are STILL TOGETHER 30YRS LATER.

    F that girl.

    "If I'm goin' down, I'm goin' down loud." -John Evans Tweet me
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    bwhahhahaha aidan was 8mo old when we got married. 3 kids later - id say we are okay ;)
    aidan kincaid (12.19.06) sawyer grace (7.30.08) 
    reese madeline (5.11.10) miller paige (2.6.12)
    girl #5 due december 2013.

    13 galveston1

    IG: punkfictionv4

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