
Holy crap I can finally post...jeez... and a question

How many of you have used the Miracle Blanket (Goldie, I think you did, right?) and how long did you use it for? Also, where did you buy yours from and how much did it cost ($25-30 seems SOOOO expensive to me for just a blanket, esp when you have to buy two)?

To AW for a moment: It only took me an hour and 10 minutes, but I actually got both girls to sleep in their cribs at the same time for over an hour! Yay! I feel so accomplished! What ended up being the icing on the cake was that I swaddled them (when they would nap in their bouncers, I wouldn't have to swaddle and they slept fine). I think they would've slept longer had they not broke out of their swaddling blanket (who designed those anyways, the flannel ones are WAY too small) and startled themselves awake. Hence the Miracle Blanket question. 

Re: Holy crap I can finally post...jeez... and a question

  • we used them for 6mo+ - when the boys were bigger we'd just swaddle their arms and keep their legs out of the leg pocket - so they still stayed in nicely.

    I got some used on ebay cheaper than retail. We had about 6 of them - which IMO is needed b/c Gibby would puke all over one/ night usually :)

  • We are using them (and have been since 2 months old when they busted out of Swaddle Me's) but they aren't working well anymore.  The girls are getting too long for them and busting their legs (and then entire bodies) out.

    I think I bought them on amazon.  I can't remember the price.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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    We used them for one DD (the other didn't like to be swaddled), but I can't remember for how long.  It seemed to work relatively well.  I had two that were gifts, so I can't tell you how much they were. 

    I also had decent luck swaddling with the Aden and Anais muslin blankets.  They are bigger than the normal receiving blankets and I liked that they are lighter weight which is nice for the wamer weather.  They do have a little bit of stretch to them so you need to make sure DDs are swaddled tight though.  As a bonus, one DD sleeps with those blankets now as a lovey so we're getting a lot of use out of them.  

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • I used it on my daughter since she broke out of the swaddle me all the time. I got it on amazon. It really helped. We used it until about 6 months old.
  • Beth...I'm sharing a link to the blankets I swaddle my girls in.  I think my grandma bought them for me at Kohls.  I'm able to wrap them very tightly in them and they don't wiggle out.  They are so comfly for the girls too.  It should be a lower cost option for you.  Hope that helps.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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