My hubbie and I will officially start TTC soon, I just found out that Saints Memorial Medical Center (where my family physician works) has removed its Maternity Care and birthing unit. My hubbie and I want to have an all natural birth when I get pg and think a birthing center is the best option. Unfortunately, both birthing centers are about 45 min. away. Which birthing center is best? I want to start having my well woman gyno appointments with a midwife so that I will know them well by the time I give birth. I know that both centers offer this.
Re: Cambridge Birthing Center or North Shore Birthing Center
I'd second the NSBC, I have attended some great births there and have heard of many more wonderful experiences. The CBC has a pretty high transfer rate to Cambridge Hospital and some very unusual/unsettling regulations.
Depending on where you're located there are also a couple of great birth centers in southern NH. Home birth is also an option in MA and we have a lot of great midwives.
DS2 (born at home) 7/09
DD1 (born at home) 1/12
Thanks for the tips, I would love to have a home birth but my current doctor and my health insurance will not allow it. Not because I have any problems, but because THEY feel that it is not safe. I figure a birthing center is the next best thing.
I live in Lowell, MA so southern NH is not too far, as long as the insurance will help pay for it. I have BCBS.