
My doctor said to drink a lot of milk to increase supply...

Will this actually work or is it an old wives tale? She said to do this along with drinking lots of water (which I already know and do.)

Re: My doctor said to drink a lot of milk to increase supply...

  • I haven't heard that, tho you do need calcium and fluids to help your supply!
    Jude Wayne - Born 4/23/10 Violet Patricia - Born 12/5/12 Breastfeeding, baby-wearing work-at-home mom of 2 living in Rockville, MD
  • It's for the calcium - but you can get it in other ways.  I have a pretty good supply but I don't drink milk (I do eat dairy - I just don't drink milk). 

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  • That is ridiculous. Do cows need to drink milk to make milk?? NO. Drink water...that's all you need.


    ...unless of course you particularly LIKE which case have at it. =)

  • OWT.  My mom thought this too, but my LC set her straight.
  • My best advice to you, drink 100oz of water a day. I get sick of water and drink Gatorade G2 (40 calories, less sugar). Keep hydrated!

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