DH and I have decided on a name for our little boy but now can't decide how to spell it so that it is pronounced correctly. Then name we have chose is:
Cal-in (pronunciation)
I have looked up every possible spelling in the book and each one has some pronunciation that equates to a girl.
Re: Need help with spelling of name
The problem is that you need to double the L. If the name only has one L, English phonics dictates that it be broken into syllables after the A, giving you a long A sound and making it sound like the girls' name KAY-lin.
If you have a double L, the syllables break between the two Ls and you get a short a (CAL-in, like Calvin, but without the V). Try Callen or Callin.
All that said, people will definitely still pronounce this name KAY-lin and assume that your son is a girl, so if that bothers you, you should pick a different name.
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Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Kallan! I love this name, good choice! I agree, it needs 2 L's
Ditto. It's the only one that seems right to me. Although I think I like pp's suggestions of Calvin better anyway.
The name you are thinking of is Kallen or Kallan.
The one 'L' in all your choices changes the pronunciation to Cay-lin and sounds feminine.
If there are that many possible "spellings", then the majority of people he meets are not going to spell or pronounce it the way you want.
In other words, it's a really high-maintenance name.
I voted for Calen because this wasn't on your list. The spelling above is what is on our list. :-)