I've been on bedrest for 10 weeks now (bleeding and incompetent cervix). 2 weeks ago, I lost my mucus plug and started contracting with dilation to 3-4 cm. So, I am on hospital bedrest now till I deliver.
Problem is, I have LOST 2 lb. since I came to hospital. I am trying to eat as much as I have room for, but hospital food doesn't exactly want to make you scarf it all down...
I am only up a total of 20 lb since I got PG with our twins. I know it's been on the light side, but doctors haven't been concerned because babies and belly growth have both been great.
But, now, I am starting to get a little concerned myself since losing the weight. I asked doctors today if they are concerned. They said that it will depend on our next growth scan on 6/9/10 to see if babies are keeping up with growing nicely.
It's hard to have access to healthy, bulky calories here in the hospital...and I don't want to bulk up on empty, sugar calories...
What would you recommend? Ensure? Protein bars? Ugh....
Re: Losing weight at 30 wks since being in hospital for 2 wks :(
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
i lost weight at 30 weeks, too - 10 pounds, actually. i was on restricted activity. i drank ensures and stopped the weight loss although i didnt gain any additional weight. i was pretty good at putting weight on in the beginning, which was good because i was underweight to start.
anyway, my babies were early but good sizes - both over 5 pounds. they will take what they need from you.
good luck! just eat healthy, eat plenty, and drink ensures between meals.
i agree you should get a nutrition consult. but i would like to say that the nutritionist that came to see me when i was on hosp bedrest didn't have a clue! and it was a teaching hosp. i was pretty surprised. she wondered if i was gaining too much weight.. think i was up 30lbs at 28wks, and at risk of delivering early. i am such a PITA, and (very nicely) asked her if she'd ever heard of dr. luke's book. nope.
anyway, they should be able to help get you more of the food you need. good luck baking those babies! every day is great!!