without boob for the very first time in her life. 4 days shy of 18 months.
But yahoo! For the first time since March of 2006, my body is mine again!!! With the exception of the mere 6 weeks between weaning DS and getting pg with DD, I've been pregnant or breastfeeding constantly for the last 4 years.
My supply has been almost nonexistent for the last week or so-- DD has had a >1minute attempt each night and then gave up and popped in the bink.
But it means she's becoming a BIG girl. :-(
Re: :sniff: DD went to bed tonight
I can totally relate to how this is sad for you...but Congrats as well!!!
The baby is not a big nurser even at 10 mos (as opposed to dd #1) and I'm already sad about it, b/c I have a feeling she is going to self wean rather easily
DD was also a huge boob addict, but this was easier than I thought. We got down to 2-3 sessions a day, and then down to just before bed. I started taking my allergy meds again a few weeks ago, and I am almost certain that helped hasten the end.
She would scream for 'boo-boo' if I tried to say no. This kid was hooked. She said 'boo?' before bed, but I said that boo had gone night night, so she popped in the binky and put her head on my chest.
I am a tiny bit tearful, but not as much as when DS weaned. I have been tired of nursing for a while now, and I am ready to quit.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008