Alabama Babies

Hi all! Have missed everyone!'s been a busy couple of months. We've had our busy time at work and just as things were getting ready to slow down...I got a  new job with my company! I am very excited about it as it's more along the lines of what I want to be doing and the field I studied in college. I will be managing all the online fundraising sites and social media in our division (six states). It's less frequent travel but when I do travel I will have a few more overnight/distant travel but fun travel to Atlanta, Houston, Birmingham. Nothing too major though, over the next 3 months so far I will just be gone 8 nights total. So when I am here, I will truly work from home!

As for DS...we are on the potty training track! He's gotten really good at pottying in the potty but still working on trying to get him to want to go poop in the potty when he's doing something else like playing outside or swimming. Sorry if tmi....

We are going to Disney at the end of this month- so excited!! 

How is everyone else? I feel so out of the loop but hoping I will now have more time to be around.

Re: Hi all! Have missed everyone!

  • Good to "see" you on here! Glad everything is going well with the new job and potty training. Sounds like an exciting time!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
    mmc and d&c at 8.5 weeks - 8/23/2010
    natural m/c and d&c at 10 weeks - 1/24/2014
    DX w/ hetero C677t and A1298C MTHFR - 3/4/2014

  • welcome back... (I act like I post all the time.. ha!) I can't belive S is old enough to be potty training.. where does the time go? And... I really can't believe you guys are braving Disney in this heat! Go you! We just went in December so hit me up on Fbook if you have any questions. They have great kids bathrooms and such... I'd be happy to help! Have fun!
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  • Hey! We really wanted to go in the late fall like September or October but in-laws are going in June for FIL work conference and that's really the only way we will get them down there with S ever I think b/c with them owning their own business they don't take lots of time off. Please let me know any tips/suggestions. I am welcoming them all!
  • I can't believe Smith is already potty training.  He is growing up so fast.  Congrats on the new job!  I hope you guys have fun at Disney.  I bet Smith will have a great time!!!
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  • Good to see you on here!  Congrats on the new job and yay for Smith potty training :) 

    I went to Disney two years ago at the end of June and while it was hot, it was bearable.  Just take frequent breaks in the shade or better yet an indoor ride where it's air conditioned.  Also take plenty to's great that Disney allows you to bring in your own food/drinks. We didn't have kids when we went but I saw the coolest thing on some of the strollers.  They hooked one of those small hand held fans to the front of the stroller so their child stayed cool.  

  • Thanks for all the ideas! I didn't think about the handheld fans. I had someone tell me today they went to the parks when they opened and then came back to the hotel around 2-3 pm each day and spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool before going back to the park that night.
  • Good to "see" you on here...Yay for potty training, and for the new job!

    I saw your hubby in Publix last night, but never saw you!

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