I had them and they were fine. Socks work just as well. I didn't clip his nails until a few months ago and even now I will only do it when he is sleeping. Before that I would just file and buff.
No. I couldn't get them to stay on anyway. Socks work better IMO. I did like the long sleeve onesies that fold over the hands. By the time she was in 0-3 I didn't need them anymore, but when she was a newborn she pretty much lived in those and a swaddling blanket.
I had 3 pairs and never used them at all. Their fingernails practically peel off when so little. She didn't scratch herself until 6.5 months old. That was the first time I had to clip her nails with the clippers.
I vote yes. I used them until she was about 1 month old or so. Was not going to use them until after she was placed under the bili lights and DH had to make a quick run to target to get them because she had clawed her whole body up. Poor baby. They worked great!
Re: Do I need
Abraham Arthur 2/21/10 // Asher Kendall 11/11/11
I had 3 pairs and never used them at all. Their fingernails practically peel off when so little. She didn't scratch herself until 6.5 months old. That was the first time I had to clip her nails with the clippers.
TTC#1 Chart
TTC#2 Chart
IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09)
med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
Photography site | Photoblog | ...into the womb| My beachbody