
because I hate random stats being spouted off and I love google. :)

TABLE 15 Fifteen leading Causes of Death Among Children Aged 1 to 14, United states, 2005

Table 15

From The CDC Website. 

How big is the problem?

  • In the United States during 2005, 1,335 children ages 14 years and younger died as occupants in motor vehicle crashes, and approximately 184,000 were injured. That?s an average of 4 deaths and 504 injuries each day.2
  • Among children under age 5, in 2006, an estimated 425 lives were saved by car and booster seat use.2


From a Mass. newspaper (maybe not at reliable)

Arias said that the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration reported that of the 1,451 children under 15 years old killed in car crashes in 2005, half of them were not restrained

So in summary I see the number 1 killer of children is UNINTENTIONAL injury  or if you were to break it down.

Childhood cancer is#1 and deaths due to a car accident #2 but really if you look at car accident death due to not being restrained it would be more like #4.


Re: because I hate random stats being spouted off and I love google. :)

  • really I think alot of stats are biased.  like the news article goes to age15 but the cdc goes to 14 well duh the person in the news article wouldn't sound as convincing to say #2 child killer.  I do like the first chart since it is pretty clear cut and did you read the number of deaths by the flu?  I swear I have heard much bigger numbers being spouted off.
  • sadly you can't.  I know too many kids with cancer and that scares the crap out of me
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