Hold me.
Just when I thought we were finally to a place where both kids could possibly STTN, she turns 18 months, and we're back to 3-5 times up at night.
I envy all of you moms with good sleepers.
DD1 was okay at this age, but I remember this phase very well. DH doesn't. He thinks something is wrong with her. And, we're getting the 18 month shots this week too. Yay.
Re: I'm in 18 month sleep regression hell
You're not alone. Let's hold each other.
In fact, I'm typing this as DS2 sleeps on my lap. Because, you know, it's completely necessary to wake up only 2 hours after finally going down.
The 18 month sleep regression + four eye teeth and a molar trying to come in = FML. DS2 has been getting up at least every couple of hours, needing to be rocked for 45 minutes after each waking and then getting up for the day by 6am. I want to DIE. Because that would mean uninterrupted sleep.
He had JUST, for the first time in his life, started STTN. This sucks. So much so that I'm taking him to the doctor tomorrow to rule out anything being wrong with him so I can justify CIO.
ETA: So sorry your DD isn't sleeping well. I'm so sleep-deprived I forgot to mention that I hope she starts STTN again very soon.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
WHEW! So I'm not totally alone then?! Sydney has been waking up at 4am for the last two weeks, and I've reached the end of my sleep deprivation rope.
I need to print this post and hang it somewhere that I can see it daily so that if there EVER comes a day when I think I want another, I will clearly remember this kind of crap and continue to take my pills.
Sorry your little guy is having a helluva time too. It sucks.
Oh no! DD was always a crappy sleeper and I never had a full night's sleep.
Hope you get over it fast.
I completely forgot (blocked out) the 18 month regression. That would explain why DD is back in our bed every night. She's also been sick and had all 4 first year molars coming in over the last couple of weeks.
Yay! It means that this will end!!!!
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008